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Contact us

The office of the Science Ombud is located on the 6th floor of the Lucy Smith Building.

Inquiries may be submitted orally, in person, by telephone or in writing via e-mail.

Contact information 

Cases may also be reported to UiO’s Science Ombud via the Speak Up System


Portrait of Grethe Netland
Science Ombud at UiO, Grethe Netland. Foto: UiO
  • Grethe Netland is currently serving as the acting Science Ombud at UiO.
  • She holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Oslo with a dissertation on human rights.
  • Professor in Ethics, Faculty of Theology, UiO, since 2001.
  • In addition to her role as Science Ombud, Netland holds a 20% position at Inland Norway University of Applied Science where she chairs the committee for research ethics. She is a member of the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics, and serves as an elected external representative on the Professional Ethics Council in Fellesorganisasjonen (FO).
  • Previously, Netland was the head of department at the Department of Social Work and Guidance at Inland Norway University of Applied Science (2016-2021). She has extensive experience as an administrative leader and senior advisor at various units at UiO, including the Department of Philosophy/Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas (1993-2008); UiO's Ethics Programme (2009-2011); Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (2012-2017).
Published Sep. 26, 2019 12:26 PM - Last modified Aug. 5, 2024 1:03 PM