The Ombud for Students

Joint Ombud for Students
The Ombud for Students is available for students at Barratt Due Institute of Music, KHiO - Oslo National Academy Of The Arts, Lovisenberg Diaconal University College, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Norwegian Academy of Music, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Science, Oslo New University College, the Norwegian Defence University College, the Norwegian Police University College, the Oslo School of Architecture and Design and the University of Oslo.
How can we help you?
We provide assistance to find possible solutions to challenges related to your everyday studies.
You can come to us without a referral and our services are free of charge. The Ombud for Students is bound by confidentiality.
Please contact us if you, in your capacity as a student, student representative or employee, would like a locally adapted presentation of our reports and the work of the Ombud for Students.