Research integrity training at UiO
The research integrity training provides insight into ethical guidelines and norms in research, and how they are used in situations that researchers may encounter.
The course is offered to postdoctoral fellows and academic staff at UiO. It provides an overview of relevant guidelines, norms and legislation for research ethics that UiO is committed to through its standard for research integrity.
Furthermore, the course gives researchers the opportunity to exercise their "ethical muscle" and discuss ethical issues in research with colleagues from different academic traditions. It aims to provide tools and reflections that are of use when such issues arise in the daily life as a researcher.
The course consists of one digital preparatory module with an assignment and one physical course day. The physical course day is the main part of the course.
The course has been developed by UiO researchers with broad expertise in ethics and research integrity. It started up in the winter of 2024 and has received very good feedback.
“It has been both instructive and inspiring to discuss and learn from colleagues from very different disciplines.”
“We need to meet and challenge our opinions.”
Upcoming courses
Courses are scheduled for the following dates:
- Tuesday 15 October 2024 (Norwegian) full
- Thursday 17 October 2024 (English) full
- Monday 21 October 2024 (Norwegian) full
- Tuesday 14 January 2025 (English) full
- Thursday 16 January 2025 (Norwegian) full
- Friday 25 April 2025 (English) full, long waiting list
- Wednesday 30 April 2025 (Norwegian) full, long waiting list
Are you interested in attending? Please register via Nettskjema, and we'll get in touch (UiO employees only).
Course objectives
Expected learning outcomes of the course are:
- Good knowledge of UiO’s Standard for Research Integrity.
- Good overview of the Research Ethics Act, and of the research community’s norms for research integrity.
- Good knowledge of UiO’s Guidelines for the processing of cases of possible violations of recognised norms in research ethics, for advisory opportunities and for notification routines.
- Insight into the relationship between research integrity and academic freedom, and into relevant challenges they face (political, cultural, economic).
- Clear understanding of the relationships between research integrity and other parts of research ethics.
- Strengthened understanding of specific research ethics issues that may arise when conducting research, and of typical risk factors and signs of vulnerability.
- Insight into the relevance that work culture, structural conditions and role and power asymmetries in the university community have for research integrity.
- Strengthened ability and willingness to safeguard responsibility for research integrity in interaction with others, and to clarify research ethics challenges in one’s own research practice.
- Strengthened skills in identifying and analysing practical research ethics issues.
- Strengthened skills in delivering relevant research ethics assessments in connection with project start-up and funding applications.
Training films
A set of animated films have been developed for training in research integrity. They can be freely downloaded and used for teaching.
Watch and download traning films
Resource library
Laws and statutes (in Norwegian)
- 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录setikkloven (
- Forarbeidene til forskningsetikkloven (
- Universitets- og h?yskoleloven (
- Forvaltningsloven (
- Etiske retningslinjer for statstjenesten (
- Helseforskningsloven (
- Personopplysningsloven (
- ?ndsverksloven (
- Patentloven (
Sets of norms
- UiO's standard for research integrity
- All European Academies: The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity – ALLEA 2023 (norsk oversettelse fra 2019)
- Montreal Statement on Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research Collaborations
- Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals – Vancouver-anbefalingene (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, 2022)
- World Conference on Research Integrity WCRI (2010). Singapore Statement on Research Integrity
- Kunnskapsdepartementet: Nasjonale m?l og retningslinjer for ?pen tilgang til vitenskapelige artikler (in Norwegian,
- De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene: Generelle forskningsetiske retningslinjer (2014, In Norwegian)
- Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komité for naturvitenskap og teknologi (NENT): 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录setiske retningslinjer for naturvitenskap og teknologi (2016, in Norwegian)
- Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komité for samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora (NESH): 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录setiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi (2021, in Norwegian)
- Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komite for medisin og helsefag (NEM): Retningslinjer og veiledere (in Norwegian)
Other resources
If you have questions in relation to UiO's training in research integrity, contact course administration: