Norwegian version of this page

Rules for the Use of IT Services at the University of Oslo

These rules apply to any use of the UiO IT resources. These rules also cover the use of third-party IT resources through user's affiliation to the University.

This is a translation of the Norwegian version of the Rules for the Use of IT Services at the University of Oslo. In a dispute the Norwegian version will be ruling.

See also Supplementary provisions to the Rules for the Use of IT Services at the University of Oslo.

1. The area of application of these rules

These rules apply to any use of the UiO IT resources. These rules also cover the use of third-party IT resources through user's affiliation to the University.

2. User Rights

  1. The UiO sets clear standards and provide guidelines for what constitutes acceptable use of the UiO IT resources.
  2. The UiO must always keep its IT users updated through available communication channels on relevant matters of IT resources and the users' application of these.
  3. The UiO University shall safeguard user privacy in compliance laws and regulations and protect users' personal information or data from violation, either by the UiO or others.
  4. The UiO will not disclose information about individual users or data associated with a user where this is not expressly required by Norwegian law or the UiO internal regulations.

3. Use of the UiO IT resources

  1. Access to and use of UiO IT resources should be in accordance to the UiO mission. IT resources can not be used for anything that is inconsistent with the UiO mission and values.
  2. The UiO IT resources may be used by permission only, and only by acquiring a user account or a limited (in time and space) guest access.  When you get a user account, you also have the right to use the UiO IT resources – but only in accordance to these rules.
  3. You may not use the UiO IT resources in a way that occupies more resources than necessary, when all available resources are considered. Use that is not justified by supporting the UiO mission should not occupy more than insignificant resources.
  4. IT resources should not be used in a way that can impair or violate their integrity.
  5. Users are obliged to follow orders and instructions about the use of IT resources. When necessary users must be able to identify themselves.
  6. A user's password or other key must be kept secret and should only be used by the user. Violation of this provision may result in the loss of the right of use of the UiO IT resources.
  7. Be sensible, use netiquette.

4. Procedures and sanctions

  1. Violation of these Rules for the Use of IT Services at the University of Oslo or supplementary provisions may result in sanctions from the UiO. Such sanctions shall not differ from sanctions under other rules or regulations at the UiO. Sanctions are determined by the IT Director or a director of superior rank to the IT Director.
  2. Use of the UiO IT resources resulting in breach of Norwegian law could lead to reactions by police and prosecutors, as well as independent sanctions from the UiO.
  3. The UiO can not deprive users of rights or hold them accountable for their actions where these have direct cause in the failure of the UiO IT services.
  4. IT operations personnelmay take necessary procautions or intervene to safeguard the availability, functionality and integrety of the IT resources. If intervention affects the user's use of the IT resources, the user should, if possible, be notified in advance and in any case without undue delay and as soon as practicable.
Published Mar. 16, 2017 10:53 AM - Last modified Mar. 17, 2017 9:21 AM