Backup and backup policies

Backup retention for different types of data, valid from 1/3-2016:

Data type

Retention in days

Home directories 90
Shared folders 90
Research data 90

Operating system data and local data areas on servers


The Policy above is standard policy and should cover most needs. 

Servers and central data systems at the University of Oslo are backed up. Files that exist on disk and that are backed up will be found in the backup system. The retention policy applies after the file is deleted or changed since the last successful backup. Normally, files are backed up once a day. 

Special needs

First of all, remember that there is a difference between backup and archiving. Should anyone have special needs beyond this, an application for extended backup is required. The application should contain a pointer to any law orders or regulations requiring longer retention. The application must include a justification of the need and describe what data / file systems this concerns. Send the application to Backup beyond standard policy will be billed from USIT to the environment / user.

*NB* Home directories of deleted users will no longer be archived! This is based on guidelines from The Norwegian Data Protection Authority ( This means that deleted users' files disappear from backup 90 days after the user has been deleted.


Points of contact:

E-Mail Description Request to restore files from backup - check whether the file (s) exist on snapshot first! Inquiries regarding ordering and operation of backup services.


Published Mar. 16, 2017 3:10 PM - Last modified Sep. 9, 2019 12:49 PM