Fixed-term appointed researchers, cf. Rules for the use of research posts, are entitled to the same maternity-, breastfeeding- and family care leave as permanent employees. On the other hand, they generally do not have a corresponding statutory entitlement to extension of the fixed-term terms of appointment. However, an extension will be positive for the career development of fixed-term employees and strengthen their opportunity to be taken into consideration in the competition for permanent positions in academia. An extension is also in UiO's interest in several respects. It is important for UiO's research environment that projects that have been started can be completed. Furthermore, the possibility of an extension after parental leave allows for predictability in family planning and is important for UiO's equal rights policy.
Although fixed-term appointed researchers do not have a statutory right to an extension, the units should extend the terms of appointment if the assessment criteria in these guidelines are met. The units must assess the possibility of an extension specifically in each case. The assessment should be objective and documented and be based only on the stated criteria.
The formal decision regarding any extension is taken by the appointments committee.
An extension should be granted if the following assessment criteria are met:
- The project end date can be extended. This assessment must be made in consultation with any external partner.
- Funds are available for an extension of the project period. If the position is externally funded, this will depend on whether funds are available for an extension.
- There is work outstanding on the project. There will be no basis for extending the terms of appointment if the project has been completed. This means that fixed-term appointment cannot be extended so that the fixed-term employee can perform other assignments/ be associated with another project.