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Duty of confidentiality for students

In connection with professional training or student projects, you may become aware of personal information about, for example, patients or pupils. This information is subject to confidentiality. You confirm that you have familiarized yourself with this in Studentweb.

Authority for the duty of confidentiality

The duty of confidentiality is laid down in the act relating to universities and university colleges § 12-7:

?A student who, in the context of his or her studies, becomes aware of someone's personal circumstances, has a duty of confidentiality according to the rules that apply to professionals in the relevant area of ??life. The institution must draw up a declaration of confidentiality which must be signed by the students for whom this is applicable.?

The duty of confidentiality applies for life, even after you have finished your studies. It is also not permitted to use the information in later business or work for others.

For practical reasons, UiO handles the declaration of confidentiality in Studentweb. You confirm that you have familiarized yourself with the rules at the same time as you register.

The rules that apply to professionals

The duty of confidentiality for students is most relevant in health education, teacher education and pedagogical subjects. However, it may also be applicable in other subject areas which includes professional training.

Students have the same duty of confidentiality as those who work in the relevant subject area, for example doctors, teachers, dentists or psychologists. You will receive more information about which requirements apply from your study programme.

Bachelor's and master's projects

The duty of confidentiality also includes information you become familiar with through bachelor's and master's projects where you process health information, special categories of personal data (sensitive personal data) or other personal data. You will get more information about which requirements apply from your course teacher or supervisor.

Consequences of breaching confidentiality

Serious breaches of the duty of confidentiality may lead to exclusion from studies with clinical teaching and professional training and loss of the right to sit for examinations in these studies at Norwegian universities and colleges for up to three years.

The obligation of confidentiality applies even if you have not yet signed a declaration of confidentiality or approved it in Studentweb.

Published June 9, 2023 3:42 PM - Last modified Aug. 13, 2024 3:31 PM