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Quality system for educational activities at UiO

The UiO quality system shall help to ensure high quality education, a good learning and working environment for students, PhD candidates and employees, and society’s confidence in the competence of candidates.

Illustrasjonsbilde som viser student p? lesesalen

Photo: Jarli & Jordan, UiO.

The quality system specifies the common framework for quality work at UiO. The quality system consists of a common system description and routines at UiO, faculty and department level.

The results from the quality work are followed up by course managers, programme heads and heads of education at all levels in the organisation, depending on the topic.

Involvement of students og PhD candidates 

The involvement of students and PhD candidates in quality work takes place through participation in evaluations and through their representatives in student bodies.

At regular intervals, students and PhD candidates will be asked to give feedback on courses and study programmes and to participate in various surveys. This is part of UiO's systematic work to make study programmes better for current and future students and PhD candidates.

UiO also has guidelines for student participation [in Norwegian]. The guidelines show the structure of UiO's student bodies and how students are represented in UiO's committees and working groups. They also show how UiO conducts hearings with the student bodies and training for student representatives.

Employee involvement 

Follow-up work in the quality system should lead to broad involvement in discussions about results, choices of direction and future priorities. The characteristics of the follow-up work are that the responsible heads of education facilitate collegial involvement and that students and PhD candidates are systematically included.

There shall be meeting places and arenas where representatives of academic staff, students/PhD candidates, administration and management can jointly identify any challenges and opportunities in the follow-up and share their knowledge and experiences.

Speak up about the learning environment 

We would like a safe and engaging learning environment and need your criticism and praise to improve. Tell us when you are satisfied or when something needs to be improved. We especially ask you to notify us of severe, censurable conditions.

Published July 18, 2024 9:34 AM - Last modified July 18, 2024 9:35 AM