Bulletin board for private housing

Postings by owners/letters who wish to rent out private housing to international researchers affiliated with UiO.

Note! Some landlords have put in a lot of text so keep scrolling until you see the scroll bar under the table if you want to see all information.

User guide

  • The table below continues beyond the right hand border of the screen. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to see the hidden part of the table.
  • Click the header of a column to sort the table. Sort according to additional criteria by holding the shift key down and simultaneously clicking the appropriate column headers.


  • The content of the postings published on this bulletin board has not been verified by UiO, and UiO cannot under any circumstances be held liable for the content's quality.
  • Any contracts ensuing from advertisements published on this bulletin board are entered directly between the owner/letter and the interested international researcher. UiO cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any legal issues resulting from such contracts or negotiations of such contracts.
Published Nov. 20, 2017 3:21 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 11:06 AM