Permits for non-EU/EEA nationals not employed by UiO

If you are a non-EU/EEA national not formally employed by UiO and your intended stay in Norway is more than 90 days, you need a residence permit. The application is a two-fold process consisting of an initial online registration and a subsequent personal meeting with the immigration authorities upon arrival to finalise the permit.

NOTE! To apply for a residence permit as a Researcher with own funds, you must hold a master?s degree and plan to engage in research on PhD level.

Start the process early!

You must apply for a residence permit well in advance of your planned arrival in Norway.

Registration process for yourself

To start the registration process, follow the instructions on web page Want to apply to visit or live in Norway ( of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). Here is some specific advise to help you along the way:

  1. On the initial web page Want to apply (, enter the country of your citizenship and press the Choose button.
  2. In the next step, choose the Work immigration track, then the Vocational training and research track and, finally, the Researcher with own funds track. NOTE! To apply for a residence permit as a Researcher with own funds, you must hold a master?s degree and plan to engage in research on PhD level.
  3. Study the displayed information carefully, then press the button How to apply.
  4. As a first thing, you will be asked if you would like for the employer to apply on behalf of you. Choose No if not otherwise agreed upon with ISMO.
  5. In the next step, you are asked if you are already in Norway and wish to hand in the application here. Choose No, wish to apply from abroad and enter the country in which you are legally residing. Note: Only under very special circumstances non-EU/EEA nationals may apply for a residence permit from Norway. If for some reason you feel you need to apply from Norway, contact ISMO for advice.
  6. Print out the Checklist for researchers with own funds and press the button Go to the application form.
  7. This will take you to the UDI application portal. Create a user if you do not already have one. Tick the disclaimer and press the button Go to application form.
  8. In the "Where are you submitting the application section", choose the country in which you are legally residing or the alternative agreed with ISMO.
  9. Make a note of where you must submit the documents.
  10. Fill in the personal information.
  11. The next steps should be straight forward until you come to the Information about your work section. Here you are asked to provide the organisation number of UiO; this is 971035854.
  12. On how long you like your residence permit to be valid for you enter the length of the research stay agreed upon with the university spelled out in the invitation letter.
  13. Check the information, tick the boxes, pay the application fee and follow the instructions on how to book an appointment for submitting the documents.Make sure to bring all the documents required in the checklist to this appointment.
  14. Depending on your nationality, you might need a visa to enter Norway. This visa will be issued automatically when the residence permit has been granted.
  15. As soon as UDI confirm that they have granted a residence permit, you proceed to the next step by following the instructions under On arrival, registration with Norwegian authorities. As part of this procedure you book a new appointment for getting the residence card. Do the booking well in advance of moving to Norway and choose one of the first available time-slots after your planned arrival in Oslo. Book the appointment at the Service Centre for Foreign Workers in Oslo.
  16. You find detailed information about this appointment and a list of the documents you need to bring with you at Finalising registration for non-EU/EEA nationals in the On arrival section.

Registration process for accompanying family members

Any documents on ID or family circumstances, like marriage certificate etc. must carry an apostille stamp from the issuing country.

Registration of family members is dependent on the reference person's registration. To start the process, follow the instructions provided on the web page Want to apply ( by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). Here is some specific advise to help you along the way:

  1. On the initial web page Want to apply (, enter the country of your citizenship and press the Choose button.
  2. In the next step, choose the Family immigration track and then enter the nationality of the reference person. Answer the question What type of residence permit does the reference person have? with Another type of residence permit and then None of the above. Finally, select the kind of family member you are.
  3. Study the displayed information carefully, then press the button How to apply
  4. In the next step, you are asked if you are already in Norway and wish to hand in the application here. Choose No, wish to apply from abroad and enter the country in which you are legally residing.
  5. Print out the check list and press the button Go to the application form.
  6. This will take you to the UDI application portal. It is not necessary to create an individual account for each family member in the UDI portal. All applications of a family can be registered using the same account. Tick the disclaimer and press the NEXT button.
  7. The next steps are personal information that you must fill in. Check the information, tick the boxes, pay the application fee and follow the instructions on how to book an appointment for submitting the documents. Make sure to bring all the documents required in the checklist to this appointment.
  8. Depending on your nationality, you might need a visa to enter Norway. The visa will be issued automatically when the permit has been granted.
  9. As soon as the residence permit has been granted, you reenter the UDI portal to book an appointment for the final registration with the police upon arrival in Norway. If you are doing this process parallel for the whole family, it makes sense to book an appointment for the same date for all. Family of researchers with own funds book may also book an appointment at  Service Centre for Foreign Workers in Oslo.
  10. You find detailed information about this appointment and a list of the documents you need to bring with you at Finalising registration for non-EU/EEA nationals in the On arrival section.

ISMO's services

We offer advice on all questions related to the application and renewal of visas and permits.

Contact us

Published May 4, 2018 2:19 PM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2023 1:35 PM