08:30 | Serving of breakfast and coffee |
09:00 | Welcome to UiO - An international university by Vice-Rector Bj?rn Stensaker |
09:15 | How to get started in Oslo and at UiO by Irina Shuvatova, ISMO |
09:25 |
Occupational health service unit |
09:35 |
UiODOC (Interest organization for PhDs and |
09:45 | 10-minute break |
09:55 |
Introduction to Norwegian for international researchers |
10:05 | Norwegian Culture(shock) by Felicitas Scheffknecht |
10:15 |
UiO Growth House - Innovation Services |
10:30 | Library services by Elin Holmstr?m Fr?shaug & Matthew Good |
11:00 | Guided tour of the University of Oslo Library |
Non-Norwegian employees, researchers and Ph.D. candidates who have recently joined UiO. Both employed and visiting researchers are welcome!
Register for the welcome breakfast
Deadline: Friday February 14th, 23.59 pm.
The venue is UNION 371 Blindern, which is located right next to the cafeteria in the Frederikke building at the centre of Blindern Campus. See the following map: Directions.
The guided library tours are held at the relevant libraries depending on your academic background.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact ISMO.
ISMO - International Staff Mobility Office