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Participation in dialogue meetings

Dialogue meetings in the event of absence due to illness are aimed at laying a foundation for a good return to work. The meeting is used to think through the workplace and work tasks in the light of the absence due to illness, and to jointly discuss solutions and adaptation in the short or long term.

What is a dialogue meeting?

  • The responsibility for calling ongoing dialogue meetings lies with the employer, and a dialogue meeting at NAV will be held after six months. Employees have a duty to cooperate. Read more about roles in the follow-up of absence due to illness and the manager’s responsibility for the follow-up of sick leave.
  • The dialogue meeting is a formalised meeting for the review of absence due to illness within seven weeks of absence for those who are on full sick leave (100%). In the event of graded sick leave, the dialogue meeting will be conducted if one of the parties desires such a meeting. This meeting shall in particular focus on what the employee can do in the workplace and which adaptation measures are necessary for the resumption of work, in full or partially. The follow-up plan constitutes the basis for agreements and adaptation measures.
  • Even though it is not required by law, whether it is necessary to hold additional dialogue meetings should be considered before being called in for a dialogue meeting at NAV after about six months of absence. Cases where this may be relevant are when the sick leave percentage changes or the ongoing adaptation measures do not work.

What can the Occupational Health Service Unit contribute?

  • The Occupational Health Service Unit has an independent role and neither represents the employer nor the employees. The advice and input are based on a professional assessment.
  • The Occupational Health Service Unit can provide advice and guidance to both the employer and the employees with respect to conducting the dialogue meetings. Both the employees and the employer can contact the Occupational Health Service Unit in advance of the dialogue meeting for advice.
  • At the meeting, the Occupational Health Service Unit will also be able to advise on what assistance is available from the occupational health service unit. 
  • The Occupational Health Service Unit is also well acquainted with assistance that is available through NAV and other agencies.


  • Both the employer and the employees can request that the Occupational Health Service Unit be called in to the meetings.
  • Orders can be placed through The manager may be contacted to obtain a follow-up plan, if one exists.
  • The Occupational Health Service Unit would like both the parties to know that they can contact service in advance of a dialogue meeting for information, or if there is anything they would like to discuss with the Occupational Health Service Unit.
Published Oct. 21, 2021 3:10 PM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2021 1:40 PM