Norwegian version of this page

Roles and responsibilities in the follow-up of sick leave

The IA agreement (Norwegian) emphasises the importance of good cooperation between employers and employees to achieve workplaces that are more inclusive. The employer, employee and the issuer of the medical certificate have clearly defined roles and responsibilities in the follow-up work.

The employer shall

  • make systematic efforts to prevent disease and injury, make necessary adaptations to the work of the person on sick leave, and when necessary find new tasks for the person on sick leave
  • follow up employees during and after a period of illness
  • prepare a follow-up plan in collaboration with the employee (unless this is clearly unnecessary). The plan shall be completed no later than when the employee has been wholly or partially absent from work for 4 weeks
  • invite the employee who is on a 100 % sick leave to a dialogue meeting about the content of the follow-up plan within 7 weeks. In cases of partial sick leave a dialogue meeting is held if considered useful.
  • participate in dialogue meetings convened by NAV

The employee shall

  • start working with the employer as soon as possible to find solutions that prevent the employee from needing full sick leave
  • participate in the development and implementation of a follow-up plan
  • be prepared to do alternative appropriate or suitable work if he/she is unable to carry out his/her normal duties
  • participate in University measures that may contribute to a full or partial return to work
  • participate in dialogue meetings

The issuer of the medical certificate shall

  • motivate, encourage and ensure the appropriateness of workplace activities whenever medically necessary
  • consider a partial sick leave prior to issuing a medical certificate for a full sick leave
  • consider whether there are weighty medical reasons why the employee is unable to participate in work-related activities
  • participate in dialogue meeting 1 with the employer and employee after receiving notice of the meeting
  • participate in dialogue meetings convened by NAV after receiving notice of the meetings
  • contribute their opinions within the limits set by the duty of confidentiality

The Occupational Health Service shall

  • assist in the employer's preventative efforts
  • assist in making adaptations for individual employees and in developing follow-up plans
  • participate in the dialogue meeting that takes place after 7 weeks of sick leave
    Employee and safety representatives shall
  • help to make sick leave measures an integral part of HSE efforts
  • where appropriate, give employees advice and guidance and assist the employee in their dialogue with employers and others
  • participate in dialogue meetings if requested by the employee or employer

NAV shall

  • assist employers with advice and guidance as necessary
  • assess the need for NAV measures, including employment schemes if there are no possible in-house rehabilitation measures
  • hold dialogue meeting 2 between the employee on sick leave and the employer within 26 weeks of the employee being on sick leave
  • hold dialogue meeting 3 if necessary
  • check whether the employee on sick leave, the employer and the issuer of the medical certificate fulfil their duties, and impose sanctions as necessary

The Labour Inspection Authority shall

  • ensure that enterprises systematically work on health, environment and safety to prevent work or workplace related issues from causing illness or injury, and to provide guidance related to HSE measures
  • ensure that the employer has a plan for providing follow-up and adaptations for employees on long-term sick leave, and ensure the actual implementation of these measures
  • ensure that the enterprises that are required to provide occupational health services have such services and that the service is used in an appropriate manner
  • ensure that enterprises make the necessary adaptations suitable for each employee and taking into consideration the employee's age, ability to work, etc., to thus ensure that illness and injury is prevented well in advance of sick leave becoming necessary
Published Nov. 8, 2012 3:19 PM - Last modified July 24, 2017 3:21 PM