Information from the Department of Chemistry for new employees and long term guests

We ask you to read through the information below. Notice that doing so is one of the steps we ask you as a newly employed or long term guest to undertake. Read about the other steps. In addition to the information from the Department of Chemistry that you will find at this page, you can also check out the general "New at UiO" page.

Checklist for new employees

Here is a checklist for you with things to do before arrival and in the first weeks of employment.

General information

The following section can be read prior to arrival.

The administration and reception desk ("Ekspedisjonen")

You are very welcome to visit the reception desk ("Ekspedisjonen") or someone else in the Administration if you have questions concerning any topics listed on this webpage.

Wednesday Waffles

Come an meet colleagues for Waffle Wednesday at 12:00 in the Canteen of the Chemistry building. One of the research sections will make waffles for the social gathering. Coffee is served as well. Bring your own cup. Waffle Wednesday are held during the semester and invitations are sent out by email.

Access card, office key

Upon arrival: The "Ekspedisjonen" can advise you on where to pick up your office keys and ID & Access card. You can usually pick up your card at the SiO Centre ( one day after your contract starts (bring a passport or other form of identification.) The office key can be obtained at the central storage and requires a cash deposit of NOK 300,-.

Upon departure: Remember to return the office key when your contract or stay has ended. Access cards with name/photo do not have to be returned. If you have a guest access card, please return it to the Ekspedisjonen on your last day.

Employment benefits

Central storage and equipment

Check your paper mail in the mail room by the Central storage. Your mail will arrive in the shelf labeled with the name of your research section (some long term employees have their own shelf labeled with their name).

Pick up office equipment, like pencils, folders, Post-it notes, basic laboratory equipment and standard solvents etc. at the Central storage. Quantity and price have to be filled into an excel sheet. Ask your project manager for the file name and password. 

Publishing scientific papers

It is important to state your affiliation correctly in all of your publications. This means including the information: Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo (the phrase 'University of Oslo' must appear on the publication). If possible, we recommend also stating the name of your  section. If you want the Department of Chemistry to get credit for your publication, the affiliation must be given as a regular affiliation, not only "Current address..." or similar. Your research articles must be openly available (see the link below).

News and events

Stay up-to-date by frequently checking the Departments News and events pages. 

User account

For new employees

Your web account and email [] at the University of Oslo will be activated  upon your arrival. You will receive a text message to your mobile phone with the account information and a temporary password on your first or second day. If there are any issues regarding your user account, please go to the Department's IT services (located on the ground floor, room VU11) in person and bring your ID. (If you are working from abroad, contact the IT office to arrange another way to activate your account.)

You can read your email in several ways, e.g. by using Microsoft outlook or by using this website: It is recommended to install Outlook on your desktop/laptop. More about the IT services.

For Guest researchers

If you need an user account for your stay, please come with your host to the Department's IT services (located by “Ekspedisjonen” on the ground floor, room VU11) in person and bring your ID. They will set-up a guest account for you. You will need to respond to an email to your private email account to activate the new user account.

Internet access

The wireless network at UiO is called Eduroam (more information). The network requires you to log in with either:

  • username (include after your username) and password from UiO
  • username and password from another institution affiliated with Eduroam
  • username and password you get as a guest or conference participant

Video meetings and remote lecturing

Zoom is UiO's preferred service for video meetings and remote lecturing.

HSE: Health, Safety and the Environment (Norwegian: HMS)

Make sure that you have read the General HSE information for the Chemistry building (containing important information on asbestos in the walls and heavy metals in some old laboratory faucets). Familiarize yourself with the HSE work regulations for the Department of Chemistry (HSE websites).

All students, guest researchers and employees must fulfill mandatory HSE training based on their planned activities. Mandatory HSE training at the Department of Chemistry 

The Department of Chemistry has an AED (Defibrillator) located across the Reception (in case of cardiac arrest).

A place to stay

International staff and guests can apply for student or researcher housing through the University. The minimum rent period is two months and the maximum is 12 months. Please read the Information for students and guest researchers. There is usually a long waiting list. Also check the private accommodation bulletin board. To look for apartments at the private marked, the most used website is A standard Tenancy agreement (an agreement that regulates the tenant's and the landlord's rights and obligations in the tenancy) in English can be found here:

Welfare loan: When you sign a contract for renting an apartment, you often have to pay a deposit. If you do not have the financial means to cover this deposit, you may apply for a welfare loan from UiO.

General information continued

The following section requires that you have activated your UiO user account.

Personal profile page

A personal profile page will be established. You should maintain your personal profile page yourself: This is done by clicking 'Manage document' at the bottom of your page and signing in using your UiO credentials.

If you have any problems with access to your profile, please contact communications advisor, Cathrine Str?m, and address your problems. 

E-mail lists (requires an active UiO user account)

The Department of Chemistry has several useful email lists. You will be added to our main lists, but to speed up the process, you can also yourself subscribe to them. As a main rule it will be your that has been or will be added to the list. This has the advantage that you can manage all subscriptions yourself.

Log on to to find the e-mail lists mentioned below and to subscribe.

PhD research fellows

  • (PhD research fellows)

Non-permanent scientific staff, including PhD research fellows

  • (all non-permanent scientific staff, including PhD research fellows)

Permanent (long-term) scientific staff


Administrative staff and technicians


Regarding the lists, and

There are two lists that the Department and the Faculty uses for sending important information relevant to all. These are and, respectively. You do not subscribe to these lists directly, but you will receive e-mails sent to these lists if you subscribe to one or more of these lists:


Other e-mail lists

You might find other lists of interest under "Section specific information" further down the page.

The self-service portal (DF?)

Here, you can, among other things, register working hours and absence, submit travel and subsistence claim forms or apply for reimbursement of expenses.

Pay day is on the 12th of every month. You will find the details of your salary for each month in the self-service portal.

All leave (sick leave, holidays) and travel expense refunds should be registered in the self-service portal. You must also register contact information of your next-of-kin/emergency contact. To unlock the opportunity to register absence due to sick child, you must register the child's name and date of birth in your user profile.

Technical and administrative staff must register their working hours on a daily basis in the portal.

Registering scientific activity

Cristin is the national system used by UiO for registering academic activities and results. You must register all of your journal publications, books, book chapters, talks, posters, media contributions, etc., as the information entered into this system is used to generate reports on scientific activity, including information on collaboration (internally, nationally and internationally). If you have any difficulties using Cristin, you can contact the Cristin superuser at the Department of Chemistry.

If If you publish in a lesser-known peer-reviewed journal, please ensure that the journal is recognized at level 1 or 2, using the Database for Statistics and higher Education. Inform the Cristin superuser at the Department of Chemistry if the journal is not recognized.

Access to 7400+ newspapers and magazines

UiOs students and staff have access to PressReader. The service allows you to read more than 7400 newspapers and magazines from around the world.

Travelling, use of own car, car rental

UiO is committed to acting as environmentally-friendly and cost-effective as possible. Therefore, always start your travel planning by checking our green travel tips! All work related travel must be booked through a specific travel agency.

Insurance/Credit card: We recommend that you get a UiO credit card (Eurocard), which offers a travel insurance for up to 90 days when paying the trip with the card. This card also allows for postponed payments without interest rates to be paid. In order to make use of postponed payment you must contact Eurocard in advance to require this.

Use of your own car for work related travel must be approved in advance by person with budget allocation authority (BDM): Head of office: 

You can park at the University of Oslo, but you need to register in advance.

Information for new PhD candidates

PhD candidates

The Faculty of Mathmatics and Natural Scicens has a webpage for what to do when starting up, during and after your PhD. 

Information for those who are new Norway

New in Norway


The International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO) at the University of Oslo supports international staff, PhD candidates, guest researchers and their families in all practical relocation issues. Check out their useful support web site with information on taxes, bank accounts etc.

    Norwegian language course

    The courses offered by UiO are designed for international staff and guest researchers who would like to learn Norwegian, but do not necessarily need it for their work. Ask your project manager if the registration fee could be covered by the project.

    Welcome breakfast for international researchers

    The University regularly hosts welcome breakfasts for new international researchers. If no upcoming breakfasts are planned, please check back later.

    End of stay

    Before you leave UiO there are a few things you need to remember:

    Rules for ICT equipment when leaving UiO

    ICT equipment purchased via the University of Oslo (UiO) belongs to UiO when you resign your position. At the end of the employment/resignation, you must hand in all ICT equipment to the Department of Chemistry's IT-section.


    Computers, desktop or laptop, older than 2 years, can be bought as described below. The machine must always be wiped by the IT-service and removed from our management system before handed over to the user.  Failing to do so will in a short time make the machine useless for the user.  

    Mobile phone:

    Mobile phones can be bought also with pricing according to the list below


    • Equipment that is less than 1 year old: 80 percent of the original cost price
    • Equipment that is between 1 and 2 years old: 50 percent of the original cost price
    • Equipment that is between 2 and 3 years old: 20 percent of the original cost price
    • Equipment that is 3 years or older: NOK. 500,-

    All prices include VAT.

    Section specific information

    Please read the information from the section you are affiliated with.



    Chemical Life Sciences (Bio3)

    Chemical Life Sciences (Bio3)



    • The section is part of the Centre for material sciences and nanotechnology and located at 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken (Gaustadalléen 21)

    Environmental Sciences

    Environmental Sciences 

    Inorganic material chemistry (NAFUMA)

    Inorganic material chemistry (NAFUMA)

    Organic chemistry

    Organic chemistry 

    Education chemistry

    Education chemistry 

    Theoretical chemistry

    Theoretical chemistry 

    Published Dec. 19, 2023 11:36 AM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2024 12:05 PM