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Senior employee policy at UiO

Senior appraisal interview

When you as a staff member at UiO reach the age of 60, your manager will invite you to a senior appraisal interview. This interview will focus on status and further development. The interview shall identify your wishes and ambitions, future prospects and needs for competence enhancement, and form the basis for planning your further working situation.

Training courses for senior employees

As a senior employee, you will be offered a training course for senior employees under the auspices of UiO. This five-hour course will give you the opportunity and help you to recognize your own needs and ambitions, and help to facilitate your further career after the age of 60.

Extra holiday week

In the year you turn 60, you are entitled to an extra week’s holiday. This may be taken as consecutive days, but not necessarily together with the rest of your holiday. Holiday pay for the extra holiday week is calculated by 2.3% of last year's holiday pay basis, limited to 6 times the Norwegian Social Insurance Scheme's basic amount (G). For employees with a holiday pay basis of more than 6G, holiday pay will not fully cover the salary loss in the extra holiday week.

Extra days off (seniors’ days)

  • From the year you turn 62, government employees are entitled to eight extra days off per year. In addition, UiO grants four extra days, resulting in a total of 12 extra days off with pay per calendar year. These are granted in addition to the regular 5 holiday weeks and the extra holiday week upon turning 60.
  • These extra days can be taken as full days, either consecutively in periods or as single days. The time off can also be taken in the form of reduced daily, weekly or monthly working hours as agreed with your manager.
  • The quota of 12 days applies to a calendar year and is based on 100 % position. For part-time positions, the number of days off is calculated as a proportion of the full-time equivalent/work schedule and rounded up to the nearest full day. The same principle of proportional calculation applies if the employee is employed at UiO only part of the calendar year.
  • Seniors' days that have not been used can not be transferred or paid out as salary, see Basic Collective Agreements section. 5.6 (Norwegian) (
  • Seniors' days are registered by sending a request for absence in Time off, senior in the self-service portal, see user guide (
Published Sep. 1, 2015 1:42 PM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2023 2:43 PM