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Father's/co-mother's checklist for parental leave

Note: For birth after 01.10.2021, NAV has changed the regulations. Grounds for postponements are no longer required in the parental benefit application form. However, any postponements have to be agreed upon with the employer cf. The Working Environment Act §12. 

When your partner gets pregnant

If you wish to receive help with planning the parental leave before the child is born

When the baby is born: family care leave

  • As father/co-mother you are entitled to two weeks’ paid family care leave in connection with the birth itself. This does not shorten the period of your parental leave. 
  • To take family care leave, apply for absence in the self-service portal by using the absence type Paid birthcare leave 2 wk.

12 - 8 weeks before the start of your leave: Parental leave meeting

  • The parental leave team invites you and your manager to the parental leave meeting to:
    • inform about applicable laws and regulations pertaining to parental leave
    • clarify how the leave will be taken (holiday entitlement, flexible drawing of benefit)
    • draw up a leave agreement between you and UiO
    • assist you in completing the form for NAV
  • In preparation for this meeting, you should:
  • On the basis of the leave agreement between you and UiO, the parental leave team prepares a binding parental leave letter sent to you after the meeting.

The application for parental benefit to NAV

When you receive a decision from NAV: send a copy to the parental leave team

  • Send a copy of any decisions from NAV to the parental leave team (e-mail).
  • If the refund from NAV fails, UiO may have to stop your salary payments. Your entitlement to salary from UiO during parental leave is subject to a positive decision on parental benefit from NAV.

If you or your child fall ill during parental leave

  • When you or your child are affected by illness during parental leave, you may be entitled to other support schemes and may apply for postponement or transfer of parental leave.
  • Read more about illness during parental leave.

In case of unforeseen events: change of the leave agreement

  • The leave agreement between you and UiO may only be changed in case of unforeseen events that did not exist at the time the agreement was entered.
  • Send an e-mail stating the desired changes and the grounds for them to the parental leave team (e-mail). If the desired changes are due to illness, special rules apply. Read more about illness during parental leave.
  • The parental leave team will discuss the changes with your manager and will invite you to a new parental leave meeting where we will change the agreement and complete a new application to NAV.

End of leave: transition back to work

  • Notify your manager that you will resume your position at the agreed time, i.e. the time stated in the parental leave letter from UiO and in the decision by NAV. For your salary payments to start up again after parental leave, you must have resumed work on the agreed date.
  • Register your child in the self-service portal under User profilesee user guide. This is a prerequisite for you to be able to register absence due to a child or childminder's illness in the self-service portal.
  • If you wish to use your holiday entitlement before returning to work at UiO, this must be agreed with your manager and registered in the usual way through the self-service portal.
  • After parental leave, special rules apply to the use of self-certified sick leave:
    • After parental leave you may not use self-certified sick leave until you have been back at work for at least one month.
    • After receiving 100% unpaid leave for over four weeks you may not use self-certified sick leave until you have been back at work for at least two months.



Published Sep. 17, 2017 9:43 AM - Last modified Oct. 2, 2024 12:37 PM