- Most employees at the UiO edit and update their own profile pages. Are any of your rights missing? Are you stuck, or do you need help? Contact your webmaster (Norwegian).
- Are you a webmaster? See guidance for webmasters (Norwegian).
Getting Started
Log in
- Open your browser and navigate to the document you want to edit.
- Click on the "Log in" link at the bottom right corner of the page.
- Log in with your UiO username and password (if you are on a UiO machine, this will happen automatically).
- After logging in, click on your name at the top right and then on ?Manage document?.
- Click the Edit tab.
Remember to save and publish
Click the Save and View button to see your completed profile. It pays to save as you go.
Change your job title, name or contact information
Are there any errors in your contact information?
Your contact information, name and information about your job are retrieved automatically from the UiO’s HR and payroll system (SAP). If there are any errors in your job title, contact information or name, you should not try to correct them on your profile page. In order to rectify the situation, this information will need to be updated in the systems from which your profile page retrieves the information:
You should not turn off your personal information in the HR and payroll system (SAP) or change the username that has been entered on your profile page.
Entering this contact information yourself
- Room number, so that it is easier for visitors to find you.
- Visiting hours, if you only want visits at certain times of the day or have student visiting hours.
- Visiting address, if your workplace is in a different location to the unit you are associated with.
Is your position affiliated with two units?
- Choose "no" to use personal information registered on UiO's payroll and personnel system.
- Fill in personal data. Fill in job titles 1 and 2 with area codes. It will then appear as two affiliations on the profile page.
Write briefly about your work
- Your profile page should contain information which might be relevant for anyone visiting it, such as students, journalists, fellow academics, conference organisers, award committee members or colleagues.
- Only include content here that is relevant to your position at UiO. Only link presentations and reports that have been completed. Do not use the profil page for work in process.
- If you are unsure of what to do here, contact your local webmaster (Norwegian).
Examples of content for academic employees:
- academic interests and areas of expertise
- courses taught with links to study programmes and courses
- academic background in the form of summaries of your qualifications and work experience which are relevant to your job at the UiO
- cooperation, and any links to relevant websites
- awards
- appointments
- publications
Examples of content for administrative and technical employees:
- fields of work, either a short text or bullet points
- previous work experience and qualifications, preferably in brief
- presentations and reports
Note: Your profile page is not a private content site. It should only give a brief presentation of your background and education as well as contact information.
Writing tips
- Use the checklist for online texts, and read the writing tips.
- Do not write alone. Let a colleague read your text and provide you with feedback.
How to edit, format and enter text
Go to the text box where you want to enter text. If your profile page is new, you will see a template which provides guidance and suggestions on content. The template text is visible to anyone who visits your profile page, so you should either delete it or fill it in.
This toolbar has several buttons to help you structure your text. A good online text has a universal design and should be easy to skim through. The most common buttons on the toolbar are:
Paste text
If you want to enter text taken from another website or document, you should click on the “Paste as plain text” icon on the toolbar and follow the instructions.

All first-level subheadings should be formatted using "Heading 2”. For second-level subheadings you should use “Heading 3”.

All links should be contained in the text and have an explanatory text, for example:
You should not add links outside the text, for example:
Further information is available here: https://www.uutilsynet.no/english/regulations/278

Bullet points
If you want to list or structure a lot of information, it might be easier to read such in the form of bullet points or a numbered list.

Choose languages: Norwegian and English
You have a Norwegian and an English profile page. You are responsible for updating both pages. If you make any changes to one page, the other one will not be updated automatically.
- You should only write in Norwegian on your Norwegian profile page.
- You should only write in English on your English profile page.
If your text is only available in either English or Norwegian, you should inform readers about which language version contains all your information. For example,
- Du kan finne mer informasjon p? min engelske side.
- Further information is available on my Norwegian page.
You are free to write in nynorsk on your Norwegian page. You cannot write in Swedish or Danish.
The University of Oslo is obliged to comply with the Language Council of Norway’s guidelines on public websites (Norwegian). These guidelines stipulate that only English text can be used on English profile pages, and only Norwegian text can be used on Norwegian profile page.
If you would like to translate some of the text yourself, you will find some useful translation resources on the UHRs Term Base and ordnett.no.
Add keywords
Keywords help the users of uio.no to find people with expertise in a specific area. This is one of the most important tasks for anyone visiting a website. Keywords shall therefore be used on all profile pages on uio.no. In order to enter a keyword, go to the Keyword field just below “Contents”.
Find your keywords
- View the list of keywords for technical-administrative employees.
- Keywords for academic employees: There is no parent list. We encourage each unit to create its own list of appropriate categories that cover the expertise of the scientists.
- View the separate guidelines on tagging English presentations which are to be highlighted on the Global UiO website (Norwegian).
How to use keywords
- Always write keywords with an initial capital letter.
- Select one of the suggestions that pops up.
- Enter the keywords from general to special.
- Enter a maximum of 7 keywords.
Keywords generally consist of one word, and a maximum of 4-5 words, never sentences. Are you unable to find a keyword? Please contact nettredaktor@uio.no.
Add or change your photos
If you have been photographed by a photographer at UiO, your image will be uploaded to our digital image archive, UiO Image archive. Your image will be published in the image archive when you have signed the consent form you have received by e-mail.
Images on the profile page
On your personal profile, you can have both a webpage image and a press image:
- Your portrait should be at low resolution (Norwegian):
- Your photo should be in portrait format, not landscape.
- Your photo should be of you, with your face in focus against a neutral background.
- Your press photo should be at high resolution:
- The UiO encourages all its employees to post photos where relevant.
Do you need a photo?
Many of the units at UiO have photographers who take employee photos. Contact the Communications department in your unit to require if offer this service.
Downloading images from UiO Image archive
- Log on UiO Image archive with you UiO e-mail
- Search your full name in the search bar
- Choose your photo and then "Last ned" in the upper right corner
- Choose "Bredde 150 piksler (Ansattbilde)" for portrait
- Choose "H?yoppl?selig jpg" for press photo
Upload images on your profile page
- Change the name of the image file to your username (in small letters)
- If you want to have both a portrait and a press photo, name your portrait [username] and your press photo [username-pressphoto]
- Go to your profile page in Vortex
- Open the index file and click on "Edit"
- Scroll down to "Webpage Image" and click on "Browse ..."
- Click on "Upload file"
- Choose your portrait named [username] and click on "Upload"
- Select the picture you uploaded
- If you want to have a press image, repeat the process under "Press photo", but choose the file [username-pressimage].
- Click on "Save and view"
You do not need to upload the same image several times to show it on both the Norwegian and English webpage. Upload your images in either the Norwegian or English folder. Copy the link address of the image and paste it into the other folder.
Display your research projects and groups
All research projects or groups at the UiO register participants with their usernames on their websites. This means that any projects and groups where you have been registered as a participant will pop up automatically. English project and group pages will be displayed on your English profile page, and Norwegian pages will be displayed on your Norwegian profile page.
If a project does not have a UiO website, you can manually enter names and links to external groups and projects.

Display your publications
Scroll down the editing page until you reach "Publications" and select "Yes" to show what you have registered on Cristin’s profile page.
By default, 100 of your most recent works registered in Cristin will be displayed. But this can be increased to 500. They are updated automatically every night at 0200 hrs and each time a document is saved. Each publication is displayed with the APA style for reference lists. View the lists which show which Cristin categories have been placed under each tab (Norwegian).
If you wish to highlight a few publications that you think might be particularly relevant to readers, you can do this under “Selected publications”. Publications shall be accompanied by full references along with links in the text to where readers can find the full text when such is possible.
You can choose to create the list of selected publications in Cristin instead of in Vortex. You can make this list by editing your own personal profile in Cristin (see image below).
Displaying feeds (RSS) from blogs and social media
If you have an academic blog or use social media for your work, you can display an automatic feed with posts from your blog or Twitter account in the right-hand margin on your profile page.
For example, you could enter: "Twitter" in the “Title” field and an RSS link which will retrieve your Twitter account. RSS links often look like this: https://twitrss.me/twitter_user_to_rss/?user=YOUR USERNAME
Is your profile page missing?
If you are a new employee, your profile page will by set up for you by your webmaster. At some units the webmaster will also edit the contents for you. If your profile page is missing or you are unable to access it to edit its contents, please contact your webmaster (Norwegian.