1 |
Analyse |
Analysis |
1 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 |
Events |
1 |
Brukerst?tte |
User support |
1 |
Evaluering |
Evaluation |
1 |
Forhandling |
Negotiation |
1 |
Internasjonalt 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 |
International cooperation eller relations |
1 |
Juridisk r?dgivning |
Legal counselling |
1 |
Konsulentvirksomhet |
Consultancy |
1 |
Kontorst?tte |
Office support |
1 |
Kontrakter |
Contracts |
1 |
Kurs |
Courses |
1 |
Lederst?tte |
Management support |
1 |
Mobilitet |
Mobility |
1 |
N?ringsliv |
Business sector |
1 |
Oppl?ring |
Training |
1 |
Priser |
Awards |
1 |
Prosesst?tte |
Process support |
1 |
Prosess- og prosjektledelse |
Process and project management |
1 |
Prosjektledelse |
Project management |
1 |
Rangeringer |
Rankings |
1 |
Rapportering |
Reporting |
1 |
Regelverk |
Regulations |
1 |
Rekruttering |
Recruitment |
1 |
Saksinnmelding |
Case filing |
1 |
Statistikk |
Statistics |
1 |
Strategi |
Strategy |
1 |
Tilrettelegging |
Facilitation |
1 |
Undervisning |
Teaching |
1 |
Veiledning |
Academic supervision |
1 |
?pen vitenskap |
Open Science |
1 |
?rsplan |
Annual plan |
1 |
?rsrapport |
Annual report |
2 |
Arkiv |
Archives |
2 |
Arkivplan |
Archive plan |
2 |
Avlevering |
Transfer to repository |
2 |
Eldre arkiv |
In-active archives |
2 |
ePhorte |
ePhorte |
2 |
Innsynsbegj?ringer |
Requests for access to information |
2 |
Journalf?ring |
Registry |
2 |
Kassasjon |
Appraisal |
2 |
Lov om arkiv |
Archive Act |
2 |
Offentleglova |
Freedom of Information Act |
2 |
Offentlig journal |
Public registry |
2 |
Postmottak |
Mail room |
2 |
UiO-noark |
UiO-noark |
3 |
Bibliotek |
Library |
3 |
Alma |
Alma |
3 |
Brukeropplevelse |
User experience (UX) |
3 |
Databaser |
Databases |
3 |
3 |
E-b?ker |
E-books |
3 |
EndNote |
EndNote |
3 |
E-ressurser |
E-resources |
3 |
Erstatningskrav |
Replacement claims |
3 |
E-tidsskrifter |
E-journals |
3 |
Emneordindeksering |
Subject heading indexing |
3 |
Fjernl?n |
Interlibrary loan |
3 |
Informasjonskompetanse |
Information literacy |
3 |
Katalogisering |
Cataloguing |
3 |
Klassifikasjon |
Classification |
3 |
Litteraturs?k |
Literature search |
3 |
L?n |
Loan |
3 |
Oria |
Oria |
3 |
Purringer |
Reminder |
3 |
Referanseverkt?y |
Reference and citation Tools |
3 |
Reference Manager |
Reference Manager |
3 |
Tidsskrifter |
Journals |
3 |
Tilvekst |
Acquisition |
3 |
Veiledning |
Library guidance |
4 |
Drift |
Service functions |
4 |
Arealplanlegging |
Land use planning |
4 |
Avfall |
Waste |
4 |
Bud og transport |
Messenger and transport service |
4 |
Byggesaker |
Building matters |
4 |
Bygningsvern |
Building protection |
4 |
Eiendomsforvaltning |
Property management |
4 |
Eiendomskoordinator |
Property coordinator |
4 |
Elektro |
Electrical services |
4 |
Flytting |
Relocation |
4 |
Gartner |
Gardener |
4 |
Internhusleie |
Internal rent |
4 |
Internkontroll |
Internal audit |
4 |
Kunstforvaltning |
Art management |
4 |
Laboratoriearbeid |
Laboratory work |
4 |
Parkering |
Parking |
4 |
Post |
Mail and postage |
4 |
Renhold |
Cleaning service |
4 |
Reprosentralen |
Print centre |
4 |
Skilting |
Signs and directions |
4 |
Uteomr?de |
Outdoor areas |
4 |
Vakt og alarm |
Safety and preparedness |
4 |
Vedlikehold |
Repair and maintenance |
4 |
Ventilasjon |
Ventilation |
4 |
Heating, ventilation and sanitary |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sadministrasjon |
Research support |
5 |
Studieadministrasjon |
Student and academic administration |
5 |
Alumnus |
Alumni |
5 |
Ansattmobilitet |
Staff mobility |
5 |
Arbeidsliv |
Working life |
5 |
Attester |
Certificates |
5 |
Avhandlinger |
Theses/dissertations |
5 |
Canvas |
Canvas |
5 |
Cristin |
Cristin |
5 |
Digitale l?ringsressurser |
Digital learning resources |
5 |
Disputas |
Disputation |
5 |
Eksamen |
Examination |
5 |
Ekstern finansiering |
External funding |
5 |
E-l?ring |
E-Learning |
5 |
Emner |
Courses |
5 |
Erasmus+ |
Erasmus+ |
5 |
Etter- og videreutdanning (EVU) |
Continuing and further education |
5 |
EU |
EU |
5 |
Fadderordning |
Buddy system |
5 |
Fellesgrader |
Joint programmes |
5 |
Felles studentsystem FS |
Common Student System (FS) |
5 |
Fleksibel l?ring |
Flexible learning |
5 |
Forskergruppe |
Research group |
5 |
Forskerlinjen |
The Medical Student Research Programme |
5 |
Forskerskole |
Research school |
5 |
Forskerutdanning |
Organized research training (doctoral porgramme) |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录setikk |
Research ethics |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sfond |
Research fund |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sinfrastruktur |
Research infrastructure |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录skvalitet |
Research quality |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录spolitikk |
Research policy |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sr?det |
The Research Council of Norway |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录s亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 |
Research cooperation |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sst?tte |
Research support |
5 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录storget |
Research Mart |
5 |
Fusk |
Cheating |
5 |
Godkjenning |
Approval |
5 |
Godkjenning |
Recognition |
5 |
Godkjenning |
Accreditation |
5 |
H?ringsuttalelser |
Statements |
5 |
IKT og l?ring |
ICT and learning |
5 |
Innovasjon |
Innovation |
5 |
Inspera |
Inspera |
5 |
It's Learning (ITL) |
It's Learning (ITL) |
5 |
Karakterutskrift |
Transcript |
5 |
Karriereveiledning |
Career guidance |
5 |
Klager |
Appeals |
5 |
Kommersialisering (TTO) |
Commercialization (TTO) |
5 |
Kompendier |
Compendium |
5 |
Kompetansesamtale |
Competence interview |
5 |
Kvalitetssystem |
Quality assurance system |
5 |
Leganto |
Leganto |
5 |
Mentorordningen |
Group mentoring scheme |
5 |
Mottak av studenter |
Orientation week for new students |
5 |
Nasjonal vitenskapsindeks (NVI) |
National science index (NVI) |
5 |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
5 |
Nord-S?r-programmer og satsninger |
North-South programmes and prioritized areas |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Open Access |
Open Access |
5 |
Opptak |
Admissions |
5 |
Oslo Universitetssykehus |
Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Partnerforum |
Partner Forum |
5 |
Ph.d. |
PhD |
5 |
5 |
Plagiatkontroll |
Plagiarism check |
5 |
Pr?veforelesning |
Trial lecture |
5 |
Randsone |
Periferal involvements |
5 |
Rettighetsklarering |
Copyright clearance |
5 |
Samarbeidsorganet UiO og Helse S?r-?st (RHF) |
Cooperative body for UiO and South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority |
5 |
Semesterstart |
Start of the semester |
5 |
Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon (SFI) |
Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) |
5 |
Sentre for fremragende forskning (SFF) |
Norwegian Centres of Excellence |
5 |
Sentre for fremragende utdanning (SFU) |
Norwegian Centres of Excellence in Education |
5 |
Skolekontakt |
School services |
5 |
Studentdata |
Student data |
5 |
Studentliv |
Student life |
5 |
Studentmobilitet |
Student mobility |
5 |
Studentrekruttering |
Recruitment of students |
5 |
Studiekvalitet |
Quality of education |
5 |
Studieplaner |
Programme descriptions |
5 |
Studieveiledning |
Student guidance |
5 |
Timeplanlegging |
Timetabling |
5 |
TP |
TP |
5 |
Tverrfakult?re forskningsomr?der |
Interfaculty research areas |
5 |
5 |
Utlysninger |
Announcements |
5 |
Utskriftstjeneste |
Transcript service |
5 |
Utveksling |
Exchange |
5 |
Vitenskapsbutikken |
Vitenskapsbutikken |
5 |
Vitnem?l |
Diploma |
5 |
?resdoktor |
Honorary Doctor |
6 |
Helse, milj? og sikkerhet (HMS) |
Health, safety and environment (HSE) |
6 |
6 |
Arbeidsmilj?utvalg (AMU) |
Working environment committee (AMU) |
6 |
Arbeidsmilj? |
Working environment |
6 |
Bedriftshelsetjenesten (BHT) |
Occupational health service (BHT) |
6 |
Brannvern |
Fire safety |
6 |
Databriller |
Computer glasses |
6 |
Ergonomi |
Ergonomics |
6 |
Hvilerom |
Break room |
6 |
Inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA) |
Inclusive workplace (IA) |
6 |
Inneklima |
Indoor climate |
6 |
Kjemikalieh?ndtering |
Handling of chemicals |
6 |
Laboratoriesikkerhet |
Laboratory safety |
6 |
Lokalt arbeidsmilj?utvalg (LAMU) |
Local working environment committee (LAMU) |
6 |
L?ringsmilj? |
Learning environment |
6 |
Personvern |
Protection of privacy |
6 |
Personvern |
Protection of personal information |
6 |
Psykososialt arbeidsmilj? |
Psycho-social working environment |
6 |
Smittevern |
Protection against infectious diseases |
6 |
Str?levern |
Radiation protection |
6 |
Tilrettelegging |
Facilitation |
6 |
Verneorganisasjon |
Safety organization |
6 |
Yrkeshygiene |
Occupational hygiene |
6 |
Ytre milj? |
External environment |
7 |
IT-tjenester |
IT services |
7 |
Administrative IT-tjenester |
Administrative IT services |
7 |
Applikasjonsforvaltning |
Application management |
7 |
AV-tjenester |
AV services |
7 |
Bilde |
Image |
7 |
Brukeradministrasjon |
User administration |
7 |
Chat |
Chat |
7 |
Datamaskin |
Computer |
7 |
E-post |
E-mail |
7 |
IT-st?tte til forskning |
IT support for research |
7 |
IT-st?tte til utdanning |
IT support for education |
7 |
Kalender |
Calendar |
7 |
Lokal-IT |
Local IT support |
7 |
Lyd |
Sound |
7 |
Mobil |
Mobile |
7 |
Nett |
Network |
7 |
Programarkitektur |
Software architecture |
7 |
Programmer |
Applications |
7 |
Programmerer |
Programmer |
7 |
Server- og driftstjenester |
Servers and operating services |
7 |
Sikkerhet |
Security |
7 |
Systemering |
Systems design |
7 |
Telefoni |
Telephone services |
7 |
Utskrift |
Printing |
7 |
Video |
Video |
8 |
Kommunikasjon |
Communication |
8 |
Administrativt spr?kbruk |
Use of administrative language |
8 |
Apollon |
Apollon |
8 |
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sformidling |
Research communication |
8 |
Foto |
Photo |
8 |
Gaver |
Gifts |
8 |
Gjesteforelesninger |
Guest lectures |
8 |
Grafisk design |
Graphic design |
8 |
Infosenter |
Info centre |
8 |
Internkommunikasjon |
Internal communication |
8 |
Konferanser |
Conferences |
8 |
Kreeringer |
Conferments |
8 |
Kronikker |
Feature articles |
8 |
Markedsf?ring |
Marketing |
8 |
Medieoverv?kning |
Media survey |
8 |
Museumspedagogikk |
Museum pedogogy |
8 |
Nettpublisering |
Web publishing |
8 |
Nettredakt?r |
Web editor |
8 |
Nettstatistikk |
Web statistics |
8 |
Oversettelse |
Translation |
8 |
Pressekontakt |
Press contact |
8 |
Profileringsartikler |
Promotional items |
8 |
Redakt?r |
Editor |
8 |
Resepsjon |
Reception |
8 |
Samfunnsansvar |
Corporate social responsibility |
8 |
Samfunnskontakt |
Public relations |
8 |
Sentralbord |
Switchboard |
8 |
Sosiale medier |
Social Media |
8 |
Spr?kvask |
Copy editing |
8 |
Strategisk kommunikasjonsr?dgivning |
Strategic communication |
8 |
Taler |
Speeches |
8 |
Titan |
Titan |
8 |
Uniforum |
Uniforum |
8 |
Utstillinger |
Exhibitions |
9 |
Administrativ ledelse |
Administrative management |
9 |
Ansettelser |
Appointments |
9 |
Barnehageopptak |
Kindergarten admission |
9 |
Controlling |
Controlling |
9 |
Endringsledelse |
Change management |
9 |
Ferie |
Holiday |
9 |
Forskudd |
Advance |
9 |
Frav?r |
Absence |
9 |
Gjesteregistrering |
Guest registration |
9 |
Honorar |
Fee |
9 |
HR-system |
HR system |
9 |
HR-utvikling |
HR development |
9 |
Kompetanseutvikling |
Competence development |
9 |
Kultur og velferd |
Cultural and social activites |
9 |
Lederutvikling |
Leadership development |
9 |
Likestilling |
Gender equality |
9 |
L?nn |
Salary |
9 |
L?nnsforhandlinger |
Salary negotiations |
9 |
L?nnskj?ring |
Salary payments |
9 |
L?nnsrapportering |
Salary reporting |
9 |
L?nnstrekk |
Salary deduction |
9 |
Organisasjonsutvikling |
Organisational development |
9 |
Pensjon |
Pension |
9 |
Personaladministrasjon |
Human resources administration |
9 |
Refusjon |
Reimbursement |
9 |
Reise |
Travel |
9 |
9 |
Sidegj?rem?l |
External work |
9 |
Sykmelding |
Sick leave |
9 |
Tidsregistrering |
Registration of work hours |
9 |
Tjenestemannsrett |
Civil service law |
9 |
Valg |
Elections |
9 |
Velferdsl?n |
Welfare loan |
10 |
?konomi |
Finance |
10 |
Avstemming |
Reconciliation |
10 |
Bestillingssystemet |
Ordering system |
10 |
Betaling |
Payment |
10 |
Bilag |
Voucher |
10 |
Budsjett |
Budget |
10 |
Fakturaer |
Invoices |
10 |
Honorar |
Fee |
10 |
Innbetaling |
Deposit |
10 |
Innkj?p |
Purchasing |
10 |
Innkj?per |
Purchaser |
10 |
Intern revisjon |
Internal audit |
10 |
Kontrollprogram |
Controlling program |
10 |
Merverdiavgift |
10 |
Rammeavtaler |
Framework agreement |
10 |
Regnskap |
Accounts |
10 |
Unit4 ERP |
Unit4 ERP |
10 |
Utbetaling |
Payment |
10 |
Virksomhetsstyring |
Corporate governance |
10 |
?konomistyring |
Financial management |
11 |
Atferdstesting |
Behavioural testing |
11 |
Bakteriearbeid |
Bacterial work |
11 |
Celledyrking |
Cell Growth |
11 |
11 |
E-infrastruktur (UHN) |
E-infrastructure (UHN) |
11 |
Elektromekanikk |
Electromechanics |
11 |
Elektronikk |
Electronics |
11 |
Elektronmikroskopi |
Electron microscope |
11 |
Energi |
Energy |
11 |
Enzymanalyse |
Enzyme analysis |
11 |
Flow-sytometri |
Flow cytometry |
11 |
Glassbl?sing |
Glassblowing |
11 |
Histologisk teknikk |
Histotechnique |
11 |
In situ hybridisering |
In situ hybridization |
11 |
Instrumentering |
Instrumentation |
11 |
Isotoper |
Isotopes |
11 |
Klinikk |
Clinic |
11 |
Kromatografi |
Chromatorgraphy |
11 |
Laboratoriedrfit |
Laboratory operation |
11 |
11 |
Lakkering |
Lacquer |
11 |
Magasin |
Collection management |
11| |
Mekanikk |
Mechanics |
11 |
MikroCT-skanning |
MicroCT scanning |
11 |
MikroPET-skanning |
MicroPET scanning |
11 |
Mikroskopi |
Microscopy |
11 |
Milj?messig b?rekraft |
Environmental sustainability |
11 |
Molekyl?rbiologiske teknikker |
Molecular biology techniques |
11 |
M?leteknikk |
Measurement technique |
11 |
Pacs bildebehandlingssystem |
PAC image processing system |
11 |
Pasientmottak |
Patient reception |
11 |
PKR-metode |
PCR-Method |
11 |
Proteinanalyse |
Protein analysis |
11 |
Radioaktivitet |
Radioactivity |
11 |
Reparasjon |
Repair |
11 |
Salud pasientdatasystem |
Salud patient data system |
11 |
Slipe |
Grind |
11 |
Snitteknikk |
Incision technique |
11 |
Spirometri |
Spirometry |
11 |
Sveise |
Welding |