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New catering agreement: How to order sustainable catering?

Read about how to order:

Meal categories – non-specific order

It has previously been possible for you to specify specific items from the suppliers' menus. However, we are now allowing suppliers greater freedom to vary their menus. One key premise in achieving the greatest possible degree of sustainability is ensuring that suppliers are able to use food with limited availability or shelf life, such as

  • seasonal produce
  • locally sourced products
  • products purchased directly from farmers
  • food that would otherwise become food waste

The fact that the suppliers no longer limited to fixed menus also allows for greater variety, something users have requested. When placing an order, you can choose between different meal categories, e.g. “wraps” or “salad”. The specific contents of the wraps or salads you receive may vary. As long as you select the correct form, the form will ensure that you receive food suitable for the occasion. 

If your order relates to representation, you will agree on the menu in dialogue with the supplier.

Ordering pizza

We did not receive any tenders from pizza suppliers. The previous agreement with a pizza supplier was intended for use when ordering overtime food and this agreement has now lapsed.

Nevertheless, there is a good range of options available that meet the needs for quick and easy food.

Read more about the background to the agreement and its objectives (Norwegian only).

Cakes only for special internal events

Cakes/baked goods (and any coffee/tea) can only be requested for special events, such as birthdays, leaving parties or internal celebrations at the unit. You need to use the “Internal event” form to place your order.  

You cannot request only cakes and baked goods for ordinary meetings. This is because the University of Oslo seeks to provide employees with a sustainable catering service. This includes following health guidelines meaning it is no longer possible to order “dessert” only. 

It is, however, still possible to order desserts as an element of other meeting food by choosing one of the categories that include dessert on the forms. The Norwegian government’s regulations for catering require, among other things, that such meetings last for more than three hours.

Exceptions for Christmas parties

Christmas party menus (dinner) are exempt from the health requirements. However, the suppliers are able to provide a Christmas party menu in accordance with the sustainability requirements upon request. Please use the Internal Event form.

Any Christmas lunches and other Christmas events that are not considered Christmas parties shall take place in accordance with the sustainability requirements.

Read even more about the background to the agreement and its objectives (Norwegian only).

All orders must be submitted using the universal Nettskjema

All catering orders must be submitted using the universal order form Nettskjema. No orders may be placed by phone or e-mail. This is the only way in which we can ensure that orders are placed in accordance with the Norwegian government’s rates for catering, that the food is sustainable and that the order is placed with the correct supplier and includes all the necessary information.

It is not possible to specify a supplier

The University of Oslo has entered into agreements with Kreativ Catering, L.E.T.T., Elvebredden and Gastro. The suppliers have different categories under which they can deliver. Orders are routed to the correct supplier based on an allocation key managed by the purchase officer. It is therefore essential that the order form is used, to ensure that the order is routed to the correct supplier.

You will not know which supplier will be used before you order, and you are not able to specify a desired supplier. This is to ensure that the suppliers receive the order volumes they are entitled to pursuant to their contract. This in turn ensures that they are able to comply with their obligations in relation to key development projects that will facilitate the continued improvement of the agreement's sustainability outcomes.

Ordering deadline

Please submit the order form as early as possible so that the purchaser, cost approver and supplier all have adequate time to handle your request. 

It is possible to make changes to lists of participants and updates to the order before the delivery date as long as you contact the purchaser.

A good general rule is to submit your order at least one week before the event, but the absolute minimum deadlines are as follows:

  • For all categories except “representation” and “overtime food”, the order form must be submitted no later than two working days before the delivery is due to take place.
  • For assignments that include waiting staff and/or alcohol being served, the order form must be submitted no later than two weeks in advance.
  • For overtime food, the order may be placed as late as one hour before delivery, but the form must still be submitted as soon as possible. 

Prices and the Norwegian government’s rates for catering

The form ensures that everything you order falls within the Norwegian government’s rates for catering. As long as you use the order forms, you do not need to worry about the budget.

Budget-friendly ordering

If you select all of the available options on the order form, you may get close to the budget rate. If your budget is tighter and you want to ensure the cheapest possible delivery, you can

  • select the “basic” category (e.g. “simple lunch”)
  • select as few options as possible (beverages, desserts, etc.)

If your budget is lower than the Norwegian government’s rates and you therefore need to know the exact prices in advance, please contact your purchaser or specify your maximum budget using the free text field at the end of the order form.

Background to the agreement

The new agreement is research-based and constitutes a key element of sustainability work at the University of Oslo. All food ordered by the University of Oslo must be:

  • Healthy and tasty
  • Climate-friendly
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Socially sustainable

Read more about the background to the agreement and its objectives (Norwegian only).

Do you have any feedback?

All feedback relating to the agreement, the form and experiences of your deliveries will be gratefully received. All feedback and suggestions will be read and considered. We will consider making changes and adjustments to the ordering solution at regular intervals. 

The suppliers may adjust the content of their dishes and the dishes that are served based on feedback and we will conduct regular meetings with them during which, among other things, user satisfaction will be discussed.

Please submit your feedback to:

Published Nov. 22, 2023 5:17 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2023 4:25 PM