Norwegian version of this page

How do you order?

All procurement, with the exception of books and travel, must be undertaken by your purchasing officer through the UiO Purchase Management system.

Please fill in an order form (excel) and send it to your purchasing officer as well as comply with the procurement routines in all other respects. Use a local form and detailed procurement routines wherever established by the units.

Procurement routines

  1. All orders must be approved in advance by your immediate superior. Check what funds are to be used (cost center, project, measures).
  2. UiO’s framework agreement must be used.
  3. Fill out an order form with description of the item/service, the funds to be used and indicate the possible supplier:
  4. Submit the order to your purchasing officer in a timely manner before the goods/services are needed.
  5. Notify your purchasing officer when the goods have arrived, so the payment to the supplier is not delayed.

Are there no framework agreements?

Quick guide for common purchases:


Tickets for yourself or others must be ordered via UiO’s travel agency. Go to Booking travel. Some units have separate purchasing officers for travel. Contact your purchasing officer for more information.

Note: We recommend all employees to apply for UiO’s credit card.


If hotel accommodation is paid by UiO, the university’s framework agreements must be used whenever possible.

If payment is done in cash or by credit card, hotel accommodation must be booked through UiO's travel agency. If the hotel is part of UiO's agreement, you can also book directly with the hotell by website, email or telephone.

If payment is done by invoice, the order must be placed through the procurement system or UiO's travel agency. Comply with the routines established by your unit.

Conferences and seminars


Contact your purchasing officer, who will provide assistance in the process. UiO has framework agreements for event management and hotels, see "Avtalekatalogen".

See also How to arrange a conference at UiO (in Norwegian).

Payment for participation

Conference/course/participation fees shall be handled as a regular purchase if the organizer permits payment by invoice. In which case you need to contact your purchasing officer who will place an order for you in the procurement system. If the course or conference requires an online registration, your purchasing officer will provide you with an order number/E-number that must be submitted as an invoice reference with the online registration. If the online form does not have an invoice reference field, enter the number in the comments field.

The purchasing officer will need the following information from you:

  • The name and address of the organizer
  • The title of the course/conference
  • Date and duration
  • Participation fee
  • Accounting information

See also: State the invoice address when registering for courses and conferences (in Norwegian).

If the conference involves travel, please follow the regular travel routine.

If the organizer demands payment by credit card, follow the routine for refund. Keep in mind that you cannot have the fee reimbursed before the event has been held.

Food, beverages and catering

See also: Food and catering (in Norwegian)

UiO is subject to government guidelines for hosting and representation at UiO. The rates for catering will be the most relevant ones, including events that we perhaps may regard as entertainment. All catering and entertainment must be approved by your immediate superior.

As all other purchases, food and beverages must be ordered through the procurement system. Comply with the procurement routines in your unit. This applies for catering on, as well as off the university’s premises.

If you fail to take the government rates for catering into account, or if you fail to ensure that catering is ordered in advance, your expenses may not be reimbursed.

Make sure that the catering company always has a mobile phone number to an organizer attending the event.

Restaurants: If the restaurant is willing to send an invoice, the order must be placed through the procurement system.

  • Make sure to book your table at least one day in advance.
  • Notify your purchasing officer the number of participants and the approximate price per cover, so that the order can be placed in the procurement system.
  • Bring a printout of the order to the restaurant, and specify that the order number/E-number must be referred to on the invoice.

Catering after working hours must be approved by your immediate superior before ordering. If no purchasing officers are available you can order food by telephone. When you later inform your purchasing officer, who will place the order in the procurement system, remember to state the reference number for the telephone order and the names of the employees who participated.

Wine: Please follow the procurement routines for your unit. Vinmonopolet will only guarantee delivery of orders placed at least one week in advance. We recommend that you request delivery no later than the day before the event.

Profiling articles and flowers/gifts

Flowers, gift certificates, wine and other gifts must be ordered through the procurement system. Please follow the procurement routines for your unit.

See also: Gifts and profiling articles.


Books shall primarily be purchased through the procurement system from suppliers with whom UiO has a framework agreement. Use the order form and fill in the author’s name, title of the publication, the publisher and other information available about the publication.

You may also propose acquisitions of books, journals etc. to the University Library. Go to the University Library’s form.

Bookstores and outlay

Books may also be purchased in bookstores or online when necessary. In which case you must pay using your credit card and apply for refund.

When you present your employee ID in Akademika bookstore, you may request an invoice for the purchace. Keep in mind that you must state the order code/E-number (supplied by your purchasing officer) and your own name.

Computer equipment

Purchase of ICT equipment and mobile telephones is undertaken by the ICT officer in each unit (in Norwegian). If such equipment has been ordered and paid for privately, no later reimbursement of outlays is possible.

Contact your ICT officer to clarify needs and opportunities.

Office supplies

Orders must be placed through the procurement system. The units order office supplies from the supplier with whom UiO has a framework agreement. Some also have ‘cabinet service’, meaning that the product stock is filled regularly. If you lack a product, contact the storeroom manager/purchasing officer in your unit.

Laboratory supplies

Orders for laboratory supplies must be placed through the procurement system with the suppliers with whom UiO has a framework agreement

Business cards and prints

Business cards and prints can be ordered directly from the university’s printing service (Reprosentralen)

Translation and copyediting

Use the special routines for translation and copyediting services (in Norwegian).

Courier services

Courier services must be ordered through UiO’s procurement system. If you have any questions, contact your purchasing officer.

Other purchases

Framework agreements must be used, if available. Check the "Avtalekatalogen" for an overview of UiO’s framework agreements.



See also

How to send an invoice to UiO.

UiO's framework agreements

All employees have access to the contract catalogue.

Contact information

Whom can you contact about purchasing?



Published Nov. 30, 2015 2:12 PM - Last modified June 3, 2024 2:01 PM