MN's research infrastructure
Link to existing research infrastructure at the MN faculty
Roadmap for Research Infrastructure
- UiO's roadmap
- RCN's roadmap
Research?infrastructure resource (RIR)
- National report on the RIR model
- Useful links
Guidelines and prices
Academic Council
MNT Academic Council
Infrastructure calls
From the Research Council of Norway and other sources
Roadmap for Research Infrastructure
UiO's roadmap
There is a need for long-term investments, and UiO has therefore prepared a roadmap to set priorities. This document was updated in 2022.
You can downloaded it here: UiO's Roadmap for Research Infrastructure (only in Norwegian)
RCN's roadmap
The Research Council of Norway prepared a Norwegian roadmap for investments in national research infrastructure.
You can find further information in the RCN website:
Research Infrastructure Resource (RIR)
National report on the RIR model
This report contains proposals for a RIR model and was prepared by a working group set up by The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR) in 2013 (English version available in 2014).
You can download the report here: A Norwegian Research Infrastructure Resource Model - A methodology for declaring the costs and pricing the use of research infrastructure in externally funded projects at Universities and Colleges (pdf)
Useful links
You can find a lot of useful information in the UiO central webpages:
For all research projects, efforts should be made to apply for funding to cover use of e-infrastructure when submitting proposals for research funding. Exceptions are EU projects and other EU funding initiatives.
Guidelines for use
- The use of Sigma2 resources should be reflected in the projects' budgets and accounts.
- Research projects should attempt to have a quota per funding source, if possible, to easily track funds versus consumption.
- For all EU applications to Horizon Europe, infrastructure costs must be visible in the application budget, but only as in-kind contribution. The quantity of resources must be agreed upon with Sigma2 before submitting the application ( After the application is approved by the EU, Sigma2 Resource Allocation Committee access must be applied for.
- The exception from charging the use of Sigma2 resources in projects funded by EU funding initiatives applies to all projects where we compete with applicants from EU countries, e.g., ESA projects.
- All research projects, regardless of the funder, must apply to the Sigma2 Resource Allocation Committee to be allocated the necessary resources. Applications are usually made twice a year, in February (for the period April 1 – October 1) and August (for the period October 1 – April 1). In the application form to Sigma2, the Cost Centre (koststed) and Activity number (delprosjekt) for the specific project must be provided.
- The current price from Sigma2 (used when applying for funds) is:
- 0.05 NOK per CPU hour
- 0.10 NOK per CPU hour for EU projects
Effective from the 1st of October of 2024:
- NIRD Data Peak - 950 NOK per TB/year
- NIRD Data Lake - 510 NOK per TB/year
- Backup - 510 NOK per TB/year
- 1230 NOK per TB/year for EU projects
All project applications, when relevant, must include high-performance computing to contribute to covering the faculty's cost of using Sigma2. The University of Oslo (UiO) receives a collective invoice from Sigma2. This is distributed to the faculties based on usage. MN pays the bill and internally invoices the units for their use each tertial. This does not apply to EU projects, see bullet point 3 above.
Nordforsk is now announcing funding for 12-15 Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs.
More information on this page: