Incentives for participating in RCN programs
FRIPRO Read-Through Service for Early Career Scientist
Budget, starting the project or reporting
Incentives for participating in RCN programs
To be updated
The MN Faculty offers incentives to researchers applying for RCN programs, as well as support for project managers.
Do not hesitate to contact the EU Team in case you have questions.
FRIPRO Read-Through Service for Early Career Scientist
The MN Faculty's Research Section collaborates with departmental research advisors to review your application for submission to the RCN.
We encourage those who would like to use our service to send an email to the MN faculty with:
- Your name
- Your affiliation - department / centre
- Your position
- A tentative project name
- The thoroughly prepared draft research proposal for early career scientists
We also ask you to provide a confirmation email from the head of department / centre that supports your application.
Please send this information to Egil Bakken.
RCN projects: SFF, SFI, and FME
For large initiatives, please, contact Ingse Noremsaune:
- Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SSF)
- Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI)
- Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)
All RCN projects except SFF, SFI, and FME
The local research support will be the main contact point and will assist the researcher during the different phases (pre-award and post-award). The project economist will prepare the budget together with the researcher.
To find who is responsible for what in this type of projects, please, follow this link:
To find who is your local research advisor and the local routines, please, follow this link:
National Research Infrastructure
Contact Egil Bakken.