Norwegian version of this page

Grading in Inspera

Click Grade in the blue banner to find an overview of the exams you are grading. Note that in Inspera, exams are called tests.


Link to login Inspera

You can log in with your... 

A) UiO-username (if you have one) using FEIDE

B) With an electronic-ID using ID-Porten

C) Or with registered Inspera user credentials.

When you are assigned to grade an exam in Inspera you will get a system generated email from Inspera with your login details.

How to log in:

A) If you have a UiO-username:

  • Choose "Logg inn med FEIDE Login with FEIDE" and choose affiliation "Universitetet i Oslo / University of Oslo".
  • Enter your UiO-username and password.

If you do not have a UiO-username you have two options:

B) If you have an electronic-ID (e-ID)

  • Choose "Logg inn med ID-Porten / Login with ID-Porten"
  • Select the electronic ID you wish to use

C) If you do not have an electronic-ID (e-ID)

  • Choose "...eller med registrert Inspera-bruker" / "..or with registered Inspera user credentials".
  • Enter your Inspera user name and password. The system generated email from Inspera will contain your username and a link to the login page. In the email there is also a link to create your password if the registered user is new.

If you have forgotten the password for your registered user:

  • Choose "...eller med registrert Inspera-bruker" / "..or with registered Inspera user credentials"
  • Type your Inspera username and click "Glemt passordet? Forgot your password?" (if you do not know your Inspera username, check the email from Inspera or ask the examination officer).

Change language

Standard language setting for Inspera is Norwegian bokm?l. You can change to Norwegian nynorsk, English, Swedish or Polish. Click the cogwheel in the upper right corner to access the language settings. Engelsk = English

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Find the test and candidates you are grading

Click the tab Grade in the horizontal menu on the top. 

You will find a list of examinations (in Inspera called Tests) you have access to. You will see both tests you have previously graded and new test you are going to grade. 

Click the test you are grading.

If the test is finished, but you get the message "Not ready for grading", please contact the examination administrator for the exam.


The way the test appears, depends on the way the test is to be graded:

If you are member of one grading committee click Grade your candidates or Open final grading, to get a list of all the candidates you are grading.

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If you are a member of more than one committee, it will look a little different. You can choose to open one or All committees.


You will now see the list of candidates to grade. 

Click on a candidate to open the candidates submission for grading.
Image may contain: Text, Blue, Line, Font, Screenshot.

Find out how the test is to be graded

There are different ways (called Workflows) to grade in Inspera. The workflow of the test determines how the grade is to be carried out.

To find out which workflow your test has, go to the overview screen and click Details. You will find the tests workflow next to Committee workflow.

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The test has either Private marking and results alignment or Shared marking.

The workflows are explained below.

Do you want a different workflow than the one the test is set up with? Check with the examination administrator if it is possible to change.

Private marking

With Private marking and results alignment, each grader first marks the candidates privately without seeing other graders' marks. When you confirm your private marking, the marks are shared with the rest of the committee. The graders must then align their private marking to complete the grading.

Shared marking

Shared marking is characterized by:

  • The graders work together from the start.
  • There is only one valid mark / grade per candidate, which all graders in the committee can edit and overwrite.
  • Marks / grades are set on behalf of the entire committee.
  • When the graders agree on the grades, all must confirm to complete the grading.

How to grade in Inspera

How-to-video for graders

When you have clicked a candidate in Inspera, it looks like this (varies slightly depending on the number of questions in the test):

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Explanation arrows:  

  1. The candidate you have opened.
  2. Here are the candidate's answers to the exam questions. In this example there is only one exam question. If there are several questions, you will see a list. Click a question to open the candidate's answer (see example answer below).
  3. Here you see marks for the exam questions.
  4. Here you set the grade for the candidate. 
  5. Explanation of grade: see separate guide.
  6. Private notes: field for taking notes during the grading. The notes are only for you.
  7. Click here to download submissions. See instructions for Downloading and printing submissions below.
  8. Click "View submissions" to see the entire test as it appeared for to the candidate taking the exam. Click "PDF" to open the submission as a pdf.

Example submission:

Image may contain: Text, Blue, Font, Line, Screenshot.

Explanation arrows:

  1. At the top you see which test (exam), candidate and question you have opened.
  2. The "Submission" tab is default. Here you will see the candidate's answer to the exam question. If the question was answered directly in Inspera, you will see the question and the candidate's answer in the same tab. If the submission was delivered as a file, you will only see the answer. You can then press the tab "Question" to see the exam question.
  3. In the "Question" tab, you only see the exam question as it appeared to the candidate taking the test. 
  4. This is where you mark /grade the answer to this exam question. If there is only one question in the test, the result you set here is for the whole of the candidate's test.
  5. Navigation bar: here you can navigate between candidates and questions. If you click the arrow to the right, you navigate horizontally and open the next question for the same candidate. If you click the arrow to the left, you navigate vertically and open the question you have open for the next candidate. If you click on the person icon on the left, you will see a list of all the candidates on the test. Here you can navigate directly to the candidate you want to open next.

Does the test use threshold values?

See separate guide for using threshold values for graders here.

Confirming/finishing grading

For tests with Private marking:

  1. When you have marked all your candidates, you will receive the message "Your grading is complete The next step is to confirm your grades".
  2. Click "Confirm your grades" and you will return to the overview page for the test. 
  3. You have now been given the option to confirm your grading. Click "Confirm" to approve and share your private marks with the rest of the committee.

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  • If the other graders have not confirmed their grading yet, you will get the message "Waiting for other graders to confirm". If the other graders have also confirmed, you will be given the option "Open final grading".
  • In final grading, you will be notified if there are candidates with conflicting grades. Example:

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  • The graders must agree on the final grades, and any conflicting grades must be changed by the graders.
  • When there are no conflicting grades, you will get the message "No conflicts There are no conflicts in the grades. You can approve the final grades from the overview page".
  • Click on the link "Overview page" or navigate back to the overview page to confirm final grading.
  • Press "Confirm final grading" to complete the grading. For some tests only one grader has to confirm final grading to finish. For other tests, all graders must confirm the final grading.

For tests with Shared marking:

Insperas guide to grading with shared marks.

  • When all the candidates have been graded, you get the message "Your grading is complete The next step is to confirm your grades"
  • Click on the link "Confirm your grades", and you will return to the overview page from when you first opened the test.
  • In the overview page you now have the choice "Confirm final grading".
  • When all the graders have pressed "Confirm final grading", the grading is finished. If one grader changes a grade after the other graders have confirmed final grading, the grading is reopened and everyone must confirm final grading again.

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Grading protocol

For the vast majority of tests in Inspera there is no requirement for the graders to sign the grading protocol. If you are in doubt about whether to sign the protocol: contact the examinations officer.

Tests for grading only (sensurregistreringspr?ver)

Grading only tests are used for exams that are not conducted or submitted in Inspera, such as handwritten or oral examinations. These tests do not have submissions in Inspera, and are only used by graders to grade and/or write explanations. If the examination is written, you must therefore get access to the submissions outside of Inspera.

On these tests, all candidates will be visible in grading. Candidates that has not submitted or met to the exam, should be left ungraded.

Except for that, these tests are graded similarly as other tests (see guide above).

It is also possible to upload grades with Excel (guide in Norwegian only).

If a grading only test i used for appeals, the submissions will be available in Inspera as file attachments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the submission blank or won't open?

If the candidate's exam submission is empty or cannot be opened, you must contact the examinations officer to check if there is something wrong with the submission.

There is a tab for "plagiarism", is it my task to read the plagiarism reports?  

It varies depending on whether it is the study administration or grader's task to read any plagiarism reports. If you are unsure, contact the examinations officer. If you are reading the plagiarism reports: see separate guide on plagiarism control in Inspera here.  

Important: Regardless of whether you are reading the plagiarism reports or not: if you suspect that a submission may contain plagiarism, you should always report this to the examinations officer for further investigation.

Downloading and printing submissions

It's not possible to print several submissions directly from Inspera. If you wish to print  submissions you have to download them as pdfs first, and then print them.

  • Choose "Download" in the upper right corner, and click "All submissions as PDF".

  • You can choose from three different style options (but you cannot change the print format of uploaded files!)
    • Standard
    • Optimised for reading (larger font and line spacing)
    • Optimised for feedback (larger font and line spacing + space to note in the right margin)
  • Below "Settings" are the options for what is to be included in the pdfs.

Once the options are chosen, click either:

  • Merge PDFs and download to download a single file with all the submissions (recommended for printing) or
  • Download submissions as separate files to download a zip with all the submissions as single files.

When you have chosen your download, Inspera starts the export. If there are many candidates this might take a while. 

  • Once the export is done you can press "Download now".
  • You can then open and print the submissions.

If you wish to print everything, the easiest option is to merge a single pdf.

If you are to print a selection of the submissions, choose the files you want from the zip.

It is also possible to download and print submissions from the tab "Monitor" in the header. Click "Monitor", choose the submissions you wish to print and click "Download and print".

It's not possible to print submissions per committee. It you are a member of several committees on the same test, all your submissions will be downloaded at the same time.


See user guide.

Published Feb. 22, 2017 9:34 AM - Last modified June 20, 2024 12:24 PM