New strategy for the Faculty of Medicine
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about the process of establishing a strategy for the faculty, the Holmenkoll Relay Race and the good response to the breakfast invitations.
Proof of Concept funding from the EU
We congratulate Professor Johanna Olweus on receiving Proof of Concept funding from the European Research Council (ERC) to further develop immunotherapy as a treatment for leukaemia. Everyone who has received an ERC grant has the opportunity to be allocated additional funding for their projects. Read more on the Klinmed web page in Norwegian.
Do you have an ERC application up your sleeve?
Do you plan to apply for an ERC Starting Grant (StG) in October 2023? Get started on your application right now! The Research Council of Norway and UiO are organising a writing course on 2 June. The faculty’s advisors will assist MED researchers in all application phases - send an email to med-funding@medisin.uio.no The European Research Council (ERC) funds researchers both early in their careers and when they reach a more established level. An ERC grant provides researchers with the opportunity to pursue their own research ideas for five years, and they are some of the most prestigious grants that can be awarded to researchers. Read more.
Taskén receives the Innovation Award
Professor Kjetil Taskén is awarded the UiO Innovation Award (link in Norwegian) for his efforts to introduce precision medicine regarding cancer treatment in Norway. The Innovation Award is one of UiO’s five prizes that the University Board awards each year to academic staff for outstanding efforts and results. He will receive the award at the University of Oslo’s annual award celebration in September.
Renewal of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for a further 10 years
Signing ceremony for the renewal of the Nordic EMBL partnership for another 10 years. The partnership is a network of national research centres in the Nordic countries and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), with joint expertise in molecular medicine research. NCMM forms the Norwegian node of the partnership, together with FIMM in Finland, MIMS in Sweden and DANDRITE in Denmark.
?slaug Helland elected to the Norwegian
Academy of Science and Letters
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters is a national and interdisciplinary meeting place for outstanding researchers in Norway. A proud ?slaug Helland looks forward to contributing as a new member of the academy, where Klinmed is well represented.
Read the full article on Klinmed’s website (in Norwegian)
Ukraine funding from the Faculty for five research projects
The faculty is allocating just under NOK 1.7 million to stimulate academic development and research on the consequences of the war in Ukraine. We congratulate Ingrid Agartz, Else Charlotte Sandset, Frank Becker, Lars Nordsletten and Suraj Thapa on receiving funding for their projects.
Meet the project managers at the ‘Health for Ukraine’ seminar on 14 September in the University Aula. Make a note of the date, read more here and register now.
Writers’ Award 2022 goes to doctoral research fellow Hans-Christian Myklestul
The Norwegian College of General Practice awards its annual writers’ prize. The 2022 prize was awarded on 11 May to doctoral research fellow Hans-Christian Myklestul at the Department of General Practice for his contribution to the Medicine Blog in Norwegian in December: ‘What’s going on with the Regular GP Scheme?’ / "Hva er greia med fastlegeordningen?". Congratulations!
Read more about the award on Helsam’s website (in Norwegian).
The use of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence services
UiO is working to create guidelines and frameworks for how we can use the AI technologies that are now emerging in a good and responsible manner and within the legal framework. The information we have about how ChatGPT and similar services process and store data from and about our users changes almost every day. Since the services that use these technologies are cloud services where data is stored outside UiO, the services must be evaluated in the same manner as other cloud services.
The Deans of Studies at MED, Magnus L?berg and Eli Feiring, ask all educators to follow closely and stay updated regarding guidelines and frameworks.
Interdisciplinary practice for pedagogy, theology, medical and health science students
Together in Practice (SamPraks) now also gives theology and pedagogy students experience working together in interdisciplinary practice with students studying medicine, clinical nutrition, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and psychology. Read the full article on Helsam’s website.
Information for employees
Uniforum: UiO board elections: SiO should also provide health services to temporary academic staff (link in Norwegian). Board candidate from MED, Isabel Viola Kreis, thinks it is important to create services for temporary staff who struggle with mental health problems. It may be possible to expand the health services for students so that they also apply to temporary staff.
Election for a board representative for temporary academic staff starts on 22 May.
The election will take place electronically from Monday 22 May at 08:00 - Friday 26 May at 08:00. Temporary, academic staff with at least a 50 percent position and employees with a temporary position as adjunct professor have voting rights. One representative and two deputies are to be elected. Both genders must be represented. -
Congratulations to the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) regarding the article in The Lancet about how SHE’s approach to health helps us achieve the SDGs. The article in The Lancet is entitled: ‘Teaching Sustainable Healthcare through the Critical Medical Humanities.’
Great atmosphere at the Holmenkoll Relay Race (link in Norwegian) With several teams from MED involved.
UiO: Easier ordering of goods and services on the website. UiO currently has over 300 framework agreements and 99 different order forms. Fewer forms and common routines can make ordering both easier and more efficient. This is just the first phase in a simplification project on the employee website.
A work group starting at OD and MED. The faculty management encourages everyone to welcome a work group that will study the effects of a possible joint organisation of OD and MED. It is emphasised that the project is the university management’s initiative.
Have breakfast with the Dean. Hanne Flinstad Harbo invites those who wish to participate to a ‘Breakfast meeting with the Dean’, where relevant topics can be addressed. Before the summer holidays, there will be an opportunity to join the breakfast meeting between 08:00 and 09:00 on Wednesday 31 May or Thursday 8 June by meeting at the faculty administration, Sogn Arena, 2nd floor. Registration must be sent no later than the week before to Solmaz Azar by completing the online form for breakfast.
Excavation work will block walkways to Domus Medica. The Norwegian Hospital Construction Agency has begun preparatory work for the construction of a new national hospital. Stay tuned for updates on the work and implications for Domus Medica.
IMB: Are you between 16 and 18 years old and have coeliac disease, or the guardian of someone between the ages of 2 and 16 with the diagnosis? Researchers at the Department of Nutrition would like to know more about your quality of life through a digital survey that takes 20 minutes. Read more about the study here.
Helsam: Feature article by Bj?rn Hoffmann at nrk.no: Did you get the job because you are pretty? (link in norwegian) People who succeed are often pretty. Is it because they are cleverer too? In a visual age — where we manipulate appearance both digitally and analogue — unfairness based on appearance is a growing problem. When appearance becomes more important than what you perform and who you are, we get visual discrimination. And because it takes place in all of us, such discrimination of the visible becomes almost invisible. Written by Bj?rn Hofmann, professor at the Centre for Medical Ethics.
Mailbox for constructive feedback to the management at MED: Do you have a great idea? Or feedback that could be useful for the faculty management? Use the online form to submit your feedback and ideas. The mailbox is a trial project that will run until summer 2023. All feedback will be read. Stay tuned to MED Nytt for updates.
Remember this year’s summer activity day at UiO on 15 June. Register now!
Sycle to UiO. UiO also has its own cycling campaign – where all activity lasting at least 30 minutes to work can be registered. All employees can register activity – members of the Corporate Sports Team at UiO (UiOBIL) are in the draw for great prizes and good chances of winning. Registration form UiOBIL.
Management meetings
Management forum: Overview of the spring meeting dates.
Overview of Faculty Board meetings link in Norwegian. You can find the agenda and minutes here. Next meeting: 13 June.
University Board meetings in 2023. These meetings are live streamed and are open to anyone who would like to watch. The next meeting is on 20 June.
See all important deadlines for research funding applications in Funding opportunities
Award announcements: Keep track of deadlines using the annual cycle for award announcements.
Prince Mahidol Award: Deadline: 31 May
The University of Oslo’s Sustainability Award for the best master’s thesis Deadline:
Coordinated by the Faculty. The purpose of UiO’s Sustainability Award for the best master’s thesis is to inspire originality and quality in master’s thesis work that contributes to knowledge about and insight into sustainable development. Each of the winners will receive NOK 10,000.
Apply for internationalization support from UiO:Life Science. Academic employees, post docs and PhD students at UiO within the life sciences can apply for support to strengthen the collaboration with international research environments. The next application deadline is 1 June.
Apply for conference or other event support from UiO:Life Science. Academic employees and students at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for funds for partially financing of open events that are in line with the initiative's strategy. The next application deadline is 1. June.
Courses and events
See the UiO's calender for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT and Courses at Library of Medicine and Science.
Updated overview: Upcoming Disputations.
- 23. mai 12 - 13: NCMM Tirsdagsseminar: Jussi Taipale: Towards predicting gene expression from sequence
- 24 May Seminar for employees who are moving into the Life Science building. Employees of the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital who will move in when the building is completed are invited to the "How will we live together?"
- 24 May: Invitation to the Nordic EATRIS ATMP meeting in Uppsala.. EATRIS is a European infrastructure platform and UiO coordinates the activity in Norway, including several laboratories and research infrastructures at UIO. Sweden, Finland and Norway will organize a joint event with an exciting program which is now open for registration. Welcome!
- 24. mai: Impact breakfast. Sensors in future healthcare. Meet researchers from the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital and SINTEF as well as start-ups from the health incubator Aleap that are developing new sensor technology solutions for future healthcare.
30. mai: Offisiell ?pning av Centre for Pandemics and One-Health Research, At Kl 17:30 in Domus Bibliotheca. From crisis to opportunity: Pandemic preparedness of the future. How do we prepare for the unexpected? Lessons from known infectious epidemic diseases.
- 31 May from 08:00 to 09:00: Breakfast with the Dean. Hanne Flinstad Harbo invites anyone who wishes to participate to a "Breakfast meeting with the Dean”, where relevant topics can be addressed. Registration should be sent no later than the week before to Solmaz Azar by completing this online form: Have breakfast with the Dean Meeting point at the faculty administration, Sogn Arena, 2nd floor.
1 June in Domus Biblioteca
Dementia, kl 18:00 - 19:30. Interdisciplinary event series in Domus Bibliotheca, the University’s new arena for dialogue and dissemination at Universitetsplassen: Researchers from different disciplines at the University of Oslo deal with the brain in the initiative “The Brain in the Centre”. - 8 June from 08:00 to 09:00: Breakfast with the Dean. Hanne Flinstad Harbo invites anyone who wishes to participate to a "Breakfast meeting with the Dean”, where relevant topics can be addressed. Registration should be sent no later than the week before to Solmaz Azar by completing this online form: Have breakfast with the Dean Meeting point at the faculty administration, Sogn Arena, 2nd floor.
- June 12 FRONT Conference 2023: Gender equality in academia
- June 13 - 14 Two-day masterclass: Get help applying for MSCA funding for a postdoctoral position
- June 15 UiO’s summer activity day. Remember to register!
- June 20: "‘How can we all integrate sustainability and global perspectives into
research and education?’
The faculty management invites you to a seminar in Domus Medica, Round Auditorium from 12:00 to 16:00. Former Rector Ole Petter Ottersen will introduce the seminar with the following topic: ‘From global health to global health restructuring’, after which representatives from many of our units will answer how they integrate these perspectives into their research and teaching. - September 14 inviterer MED-fakultetet til et stort fagm?te i Universitetets aula for ? dele kunnskap om situasjonen de rammede st?r i og om gode tiltak i Norge og Ukraina. Velkommen til "Fokus p? Ukraina"!
September 27
The University of Oslo’s innovation conference for 2023. The conference will be part of Oslo Innovation Week (OIW). Circle the date! Sign up now to receive updates on the programme when it's ready. Location: Oslo Science Park.
Research news
You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.
Helsam: Researchers have studied Norwegians' attitudes towards euthanasia and assisted suicide by Mathilde Coraline Aarvold Bakke. The support was strongest towards assisted suicide conducted by a doctor, when the patient described had a terminal illness with short life expectancy.
Medisinbloggen: A new method for killing cancer cells in Norwegian by Miriam Aarsund Larsen.
Immune cells can kill diseased cells, and the most well-known method is to bind the immune cell to the diseased cell and destroy it. However, cells have a lot of tricks up their sleeve.
Helsam: What do we know about end-of-life treatment for patients? by Mathilde Coraline Aarvold Bakke. Eight out of ten Norwegians believe that the next of kin are responsible for making decisions about life-prolonging treatment when patients cannot make decisions themselves. This is incorrect.
Medisinbloggen: What’s going on with the Regular GP Scheme? in Norwegian by Hans-Christian Myklestul — The article that has now earned him the Writers’ Award: For many years now, there has been talk of a GP crisis. But does it concern you? Perhaps. Having a stable GP can prevent hospitalisation and premature death.
Helsam/ Forsking.no: Is male health overlooked? in Norwegian. Bj?rn Gjelsvik has met and treated thousands of adult men. He now thinks we should do more to get adult men to seek medical attention when they feel symptoms of illness.
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