Editorial: Fabulous research dissemination this autumn at MED
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about the informative ‘Health for Ukraine’ meeting last week.
“There is really impressive scope, quality and involvement regarding the dissemination of knowledge at our faculty. This really complements our vision of ‘Outstanding knowledge for future health’.
Read about the Medicine Blog that has now been running for five years. Maybe you will be the next blogger?
The Management Column
Learn from your colleagues in the Nordic region
NorDoc gives you a unique opportunity to tailor your PhD education, writes Vice-Dean for Research and Researcher Education Grete Anita Dyb.
Plan your participation at NorDoc’s summer school 2024 in Finland now!
Make a smart career move by running for temporary employee representative in the Faculty Board election.
Read the full story in the Management Column.
Current MED news
The Medicine Blog turns five years old
This September, it will be five years since the very first post was published on 'Medisinbloggen' – the Medicine Blog. Since then, more than a hundred of the faculty’s researchers have informed a wide audience about their research. Maybe you will be next? Read the full story.
The mechanical workshop at IMB solves your problem
Did you know that we have our own medical workshop in the basement of Domus Medica? See this article in the Sykepleien journal (article in Norwegian) that shows some of the challenges our colleagues are solving there. Their inventions improve both patient life and patents commissioned by doctors, nurses and our researchers.
MED: Bring along family and friends to our research festival! As an employee, you can get tickets that provide you and your guests with free admission to the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology on Saturday 23 September. Read more and book your tickets here.
Faculty Board elections at MED. During the autumn of 2023, one representative and two deputy representatives from UiO’s temporary academic staff, including temporary professor II positions, will be elected. You can now nominate your candidate! The elected term for this group is one year, i.e. 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2024.
Open editorial in Khrono: Deans give a warning: They believe that medical students are forced to deprioritise their studies (link in Norwegian). “It is absolutely necessary to have more LIS1 places for newly qualified doctors in addition to more medicine places in Norway”, emphasises Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo.
UiO Growth House: The health industry value chain – a new tool for dialogue and prioritisation will help shed light on bottlenecks on the way from research and ideas to pharmaceuticals, medical devices or digital therapies that are exported and sold globally. It will help us prioritise when we are to build a sustainable Norwegian health industry in line with the government's new road map for the health industry. The university is an important contributor in many parts of the value chain.
Don’t miss: Information meeting about ERC for hospital-based research (Video on You Tube).
- Open editorial in Khrono: A postdoc’s advice to new doctoral research fellows by Ingvild Bergom Lunde, Helsam
- The Rector’s Blog: No one is able to help everyone, but everyone can help someone (link in Norwegian). After Russia’s unacceptable invasion of Ukraine, many thanks have to go to the Faculty of Medicine for quickly and efficiently reallocating NOK 2 million that was previously allocated to cooperation with Russian scientists, and starting the projects presented during Health for Ukraine in the Aula.
Excavation work at Domus Medica. Updates on plans for this autumn’s construction work from the Norwegian Hospital Construction Agency have now been published with new phase plans.
Management meetings
Lederforum (Management Forum): Overview of meeting dates. The next meeting is on 3 October. Cases can be reported and case papers submitted up until 12:00 on the last Thursday before the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting on 5 September will be published here.
Overview of the Faculty Board meetings. You can find the agenda and minutes here. The next meeting is on 26 September.
University Board meetings in 2023. These meetings are live streamed and are open to anyone who would like to watch. The next meeting is on 17 October.
Opportunities and deadlines
See all important deadlines regarding applications for research funding in Funding opportunities.
ERC Synergy Grant. Deadline 8. november.
Award announcements: Keep track by visiting the annual cycle for award announcements.
Circle U. Academic Chair Programme – Open positions as Academic Chairs at the University of Oslo. Application deadline: September 20.
Call for applications: NCMM Joint Postdoctoral Programme in Molecular Life Science. Application deadline: 31 October.
Do you have an idea relating to life sciences that could resolve challenges linked to human or animal health? Apply for admission to the University of Oslo: Life Science’s innovation programme, SPARK Norway to further develop your idea into new technology, treatments or services. Deadline: 9 November
If you are a master’s student and want a career in innovation and entrepreneurship, you can apply for admission to the newly established honours certificate in Life Science Innovation. The application deadline is 15 October. The starting date will be January 2024.
Courses and events
See the University of Oslo’s course calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO:IT and the Medical and Science Library.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences.
- Postdoctoral programme: Open registration for career-enhancing courses
The courses are part of a career development programme tailored to provide support to the faculty’s postdocs and other researchers in the start-up phase. Spaces still available!- 28 - 29 September: Research management
- 2 - 3 October: Communication research
- 6, 7 og 10 November: Supervision
- 22 - 24 November: Writing grant applications
5 October: Book launch for Ketil Slagstad’s book about the AIDS epidemic in Norway at Trekanten, Pilestredet 24. Slagstad meets Camilla Stoltenberg for a conversation about AIDS in Norway and the experiences the disease has given us.
The Brain in the Centre: An event series at Domus Bibliotheca, the University of Oslo’s arena for dialogue and dissemination.
- 11 October, 18:00 – 19:30 Artificial intelligence
- 8 November,18:00 – 19:30 Language
- 9 November, 08:00 – 09:30 Breakfast meeting on brainwashing
- 29 November, 18:00 – 19:30 Personality
9 November: Anders Jahre’s Awards for Medical Research 2023
- The Jahre Lectures, 11:00-14:00 in the Domus Bibliotheca by main award winner Professor Maiken Nedergaard, UiK and winner of the award for young researchers, Assistant Professor Marcus Buggert, Karolinska Institutet.
- Award ceremony in the Aula, 18:00-19:30. Everyone is welcome! Requires registration.
Research News
You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.
Apollon: Developing a method to ensure optimal iodine intake in the world. Adding iodine to salt is probably the world’s most cost-effective way of ensuring the mental development of the population. But it is all about getting the right amount. Getting too little and too much can both cause serious illness.
Helsam: Which screening tests save lives? Michael Bretthauer led the study which concludes that none of the established cancer screening programmes help prolong life, with the exception of one; sigmoidoscopy against bowel cancer.
Medisinbloggen: What is a health app? by Marianne Therese Smogeli Holter. Digital health services can relieve the burden on traditional services, and should be an important part of the health services in the future. But where do we stand now?
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