Annual planning work and many tasks for the dean's office
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about what’s happening at the Faculty. The new annual plan is nearly ready. Information on the new web page for the study on a possible co-organisation of the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine.
Current Faculty news
Norwegian Cancer Society allocates around NOK 71 million to our researchers
Nine of our researchers have been allocated funding for the crucial cancer research they are conducting as part of a record-breaking funding allocation from the Norwegian Cancer Society. Congratulations go to Marieke Lydia Kuijjer, Anthony Mathelier, Biswajyoti (Biswa) Sahu, PhD, Hanne Cathrine Lie, Aurelie Bellanger, Ragnhild Eskeland, Kay Oliver Schink, Nicola Pietro Montaldo and Harald Stenmark. Read more about the award on our web page.
Meet the temporary staff candidates for the Faculty Board elections
Lise M?rkved Helsingen, Lene Lunde and Markus Dines Knudsen are running as candidates. You can read their election platforms and find the link to the election when the election starts. Voting period: 20 November 2023, 08:00 until 27 November 2023, 12:00.
Read all about the election on the election pages.

ERC Starting Grant to Carl Tollef Solberg
The prestigious grant will be used, among other things, to bridge the gap between philosophy and epidemiology when it comes to the evaluation of deaths.
Read more on the Department web pages (in Norwegian).
The King's Medal of Merit to Johanne Sundby
Postdoctoral fellow Youxian Li has been awarded NOK 8 million from the Research Council of Norway's Researcher Project for Young Talents (FRIPRO) programme. In her project, Li will try to understand how cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) cause cell death in cancer.
Read more on the Department webpages (in Norwegian).
Klinmed’s Youxian Li recognised as one of the young research talents of the year
Postdoctoral fellow Youxian Li has been awarded NOK 8 million from the Research Council of Norway's Researcher Project for Young Talents (FRIPRO) programme. In her project, Li will try to understand how cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) cause cell death in cancer.
Read more on the Department webpage (in Norwegian).
Faculty Board Elections at MED. During the autumn of 2023, one representative and two deputy representatives will be elected from temporary academic staff, including temporary adjunct professors. The term of office for this group is one year, i.e. 01/01/2024-31/12/2024.
External cultural events for employees: UiO employees have access to some outstanding offers from the National Theatre and other cultural institutions.
- The National Theatre's Christmas concert – all shows in November. Price per ticket: NOK 250.
- The National Theatre: Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox – Price per ticket: NOK 200
- UiO employees who show their employee ID card will also get free admission to: The Botanical Gardens, the Museum of Cultural History, the Natural History Museum and the Viking Ship Museum.
Excavation work at Domus Medica, see information from Sykehusbygg and phase plans.
Head of SUSTAINIT Eivind Engebretsen appointed Dean of Circle U Open Campus. Circle U aims to develop a unified virtual campus for students and staff.
Veksthuset for verdiskaping arrangerer: Internship 2024: Informasjonsm?te for studenter. M?tet er for studenter fra MED-, MN- og UV-fakultetet. P? m?tet vil studentene f? informasjon om internshipordningen og muligheten for ? s?ke sommerjobber i bedrifter. Tips dine studenter om denne muligheten!
17 January: The UiO Growth House is arranging: Internship 2024: Information meeting for students. The meeting is intended for students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Educational Sciences. At the meeting, students will receive information about the internship scheme and the opportunity to apply for vacation work with organisations. Let your students know about this opportunity!
Management meetings
Lederforum (Management Forum): Overview of meeting dates. The next meeting takes place on 28 November. Agenda items and documents may be submitted up until 12:00 on the last Thursday before the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting will be published here.
Overview of the Faculty Board meetings. You can find the agenda and minutes here. The next meeting is on 12 December.
University Board meetings in 2023. These meetings are live streamed and are open to anyone who would like to watch. The next meeting is on 5 December.
Opportunities and deadlines
See all important deadlines regarding applications for research funding in Funding opportunities
The Centre for Research-based Innovation’s (SFI V) call for applications will be released soon! Potential applicants from MED should indicate their interest with the Department as soon as possible. The Norwegian Research Council's deadline is expected to be in April/May 2024. Read more in Funding opportunities
Award announcements: Keep track by visiting the annual cycle for award announcements.
Courses and events
See the University of Oslo’s course calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO:IT and the Medical and Science Library.
- Upcoming public defences.
- The Brain in the Centre: An event series at Domus Bibliotheca, the University of Oslo’s arena for dialogue and dissemination.
- 29 November, 18:00 – 19:30 Personality
- 6 December, 18:00 – 19:30 Dementia and human rights
- 6 December UiO invites to a course in Project management in academia. Place: Helga Engs hus. Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. – The aim of this course is to give you the knowledge on how to better plan for your research project and to ensure effective implementation and minimize risks throughout.
- Universitetsplassen 14 December under the auspices of the Centre for Medical Ethics: Participants from the Better Family Involvement project will summarise five years of research and implementation work in mental health care.
- 11. januar: Final seminar for the research project Rethinking Cancer Survivorship (in Norwegian). Organised by Rethinking Cancer Survivorship (CANCUL) and the Society, Health and Power (SHEP) research group.
Research news
You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, X, Linkedin and Instagram.
Medisinbloggen: Do Overweight People Just Have to Pull Themselves Together? by Ole Martin Nitteberg in Norwegian.
We are often quick to judge others based on weight. What if I told you that weight is not necessarily an indication of willpower?
Klinmed: One in three experience chronic abdominal pain after bariatric surgery (in Norwegian).
According to a recent study, one in three patients experience chronic abdominal pain after surgery. Researchers believe that patients require closer follow-up after bariatric surgery.
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