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MED-nytt, no 13 – 2024

Read the Office of the Dean’s semester summary. Status of Campus South. The era of core facilities. Awards for Dahl-J?rgensen, Frigessi, Hemming Karlsen, Dietrichs and Burger. H.M. the King's Gold Medal awarded to Barua. Save the dates for events taking place over the summer. The Head of IMB, board representative for temporary academic staff and new Head of MedDocs to be elected this autumn.


Dekanatet ved MED

Have a great summer!

The Dean provides a summary of an eventful spring with some of the highpoints and wishes everyone a well-deserved summer holiday!

Read the full editorial


The Management Column

The era of core facilities has arrived

Participants from Klinmed, IMB and NCMM have joined together in a broad collaboration to establish the new technology platforms in the Life Science Building. Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation Jan Bj?lie reports on how far this work has now progressed as the building is clearly beginning to take shape.
Read the full article by Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation Jan Bj?lie 

Positive experiences from the first year of Campus South

Pro-Dean of Studies Magnus L?berg talks about the positive experiences of medical students who are now returning from Campus South, and about two new student groups who will be studying there next semester. Module Four will be held in Southern Norway for the first time.

Read the full article by Pro-Dean of Studies Magnus L?berg

News from MEDBildet kan inneholde: smil, briller, organ, bl?, gest.

Prestigious award for Knut Dahl-J?rgensen

Professor Dahl-J?rgensen received The Knud Lundb?k Award for 2024 for his important contributions to diabetes research at the annual meeting of the Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes. 
Read the full article on Klinmed’s website in Norwegian.

Major honour bestowed on Arnoldo Frigessi

Professor and Head of Integreat, Arnoldo Frigessi, was surprised and delighted to receive the Nora Lifetime Achievement Award. He was honoured for his eminent academic influence through his research and for his supervision of innumerable students.
Read the entire article on IMB's website

Bildet kan inneholde: mikrofon, frakk, kjole skjorte, podium, slips.Honorary award for liver research to Hemming Karlsen

received the award for his many important contributions to the field and his dedication to research into liver diseases.
Read the full article on Klinmed’s website in Norwegian.



StudiesEspen Dietrichs

Teaching Award for Module 8 to Dietrichs

Professor Espen Dietrichs received the award for being a knowledgeable, pedagogical and engaging teacher with a “twinkle in his eye”.
Read the full story on our study programme website in Norwegian.

Nyutdannede studenter med master i ern?ringLovely graduation ceremony for our master’s students in nutrition

A formal ceremony was held to celebrate 15 students having recently received their Masters in Clinical Nutrition.
Read the entire article on IMB's website in Norwegian. 

They can finally call themselves doctorsAbdulrahman Harmoush og Bushra Abdulnaser Harmoush

Brother and sister who fled from war in Syria. They have now completed their medical studies at the University of Oslo.
Read the full article on the study programme website.


Management meetings

Opportunities and deadlines

  • See all deadlines for applications for research funding under Funding opportunities

  • Keep track of the annual cycle for award announcements.

  • UiO Growth House: Call for applications for innovation funds 2024. Are you a researcher with an innovative idea based on your research that can help solve an important societal need, but require funding to further develop your idea? Check UiO’s call for applications for innovation funds in all specialist fields. Deadline: 2 September.

  • Have you made an extraordinary contribution to the field of education at the University of Oslo? If so, you should apply to become a Distinguished Educator at UiO (in Norwegian). Deadline: 1 September. 

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO IT and the Library of Medicine and Science.

Overview: Upcoming public defences

  • 18 - 20 August: the Nordoc Summer School at the University of Helsinki. The Nordic PhD summer camp aims to bring together researchers from all health science fields under one roof. Come along and gain an insight into the experiences of your Nordic colleagues and present what you are working on too! Registration is open until 14 June 2024. See the preliminary programme here.
  • Bildet kan inneholde: font, materiell egenskap, grafikk, merke, symbol.Arendalsuka (Arendal Week) 2024 will be held from 12 to 16 August: MED during Arendal Week (in Norwegian). MED will host events on neuroimaging, diagnoses from Google, the road map for the healthcare industry, emergency preparedness in crisis situations and artificial intelligence. Welcome to Arendal!
  • 15. august: How to use more AI in Norway? (in Norwegian)
    Hvordan bruke mer KI i NorgeSociety needs to increase its use of artificial intelligence (AI) and this has to occur at a more rapid pace to enable us to solve major challenges faced in all sectors. The AI Centre at UiO (MED and MN), UiT and NR, in conjunction with Oslo Science City, invites everyone to participate in a conversation to explore specific challenges and potential solutions.
  • Hungry for knowledge and networking? The postdoctoral programme has updated the course overview for autumn 2024. This is a golden opportunity for postdoctoral fellows and other researchers in the establishment phase. Register today! These two courses will be the first to be held:illustrasjon kurs kunnskap analyse diskusjon
    • 25 - 26 September: “Research management”. A course for those who are looking to increase their knowledge about research management.
    • 30 September - 1 October: “Communicating Research”: For those who want to give their careers a boost, while also becoming better at communicating how their research leads to societal improvement.
  • Updated course overview from the University Library. The courses are adapted to students, staff and PhD candidates at UiO and OUS, however are open to all interested parties.
  • 18 - 20 August: Nordoc summer school at the University of Helsinki. The Nordic PhD summer camp aims to bring together researchers from all health science fields under one roof. See the programme here.
  • 2 September - UiO's Annual Festivities Annual celebration ceremony, with the conferring of honorary doctorates and the presentation of UiO’s awards. Presentation and awarding of the H.M. King's Gold Medal. Presentation of UiO’s sustainability award for best master’s thesis. Register now!
  • 2 September - Honorary doctoral degree lectures at the Faculty of Medicine: Professor Maria da Gra?a Raposo and Professor Richard Hatchett have been awarded Honorary Doctorates at UiO and will be holding lectures in connection with this. Local events will be held the following day.
  • 2 September - Kavli lectures in neuroanatomy will be held in the Large Auditorium at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet from 9:30am until 1:00pm. Save the date. Read about this year’s award winners.
  • UiO Growth House invites you to the Innovation Conference Science Impact 2024 – don’t miss it on 25 September. Spend a day listening to exciting research, and explore opportunities and build networks.

About research

You can follow the faculty on facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

DNATitan: Does DNA hold up as evidence in court? Expert witness from the Tengs case explains how DNA resulted in the conviction, and then subsequent acquittal, of an accused man. Several old cases are being retried by the courts and DNA is often vital evidence. Professor Emeritus Peter Gill shares his experiences.

musKlinmed: A surprising finding in mice provides new knowledge about obesity (in Norwegian). A change in the genes of mice suddenly resulted in them becoming overweight. Researchers could also “transfer” the obesity from these mice to healthy mice. “It’s pretty cool,” says researcher Ida Gregersen.

illustrasjon syk person som hviler亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录.no/ Helsam: Why are many people with ME and long COVID negatively impacted by activity (in Norwegian) – “It may be reminiscent of overtraining syndrome in athletes,” says Professor Nina V?llestad.



mor med nyf?dt baby Klinmed: New knowledge about perineal tears can lead to better birth care (in Norwegian). Many women experience pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen for a long time after giving birth. Researchers believe that we can provide better birth care when we know more about how perineal tears impact women’s quality of life.

Kristina HaugaaUniversitetsplassen: Podkast: Meet Cardiologist Kristina Haugaa. For many years, Professor Kristina Haugaa (Klinmed) has sought to find answers to why people can be affected by sudden cardiac death, and what she can do to prevent this from happening. 


vondt i magen hos barn Klinmed: A blood test may reduce the time required for diagnosing children and adolescents with IBD. A simple blood test can show whether or not stomach problems in children and adolescents are likely to be due to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). More will be diagnosed earlier and avoid unnecessary and unpleasant examinations. 


illustrasjon person bak gjerde/ i fengselMedisinbloggen: Prison Health – an overlooked part of public health? by Anne Bukten and Vegard Gjerden Svendsen in Norwegian. Many prison inmates have major health challenges. This group has worse health outcomes than others even long after their release. But why is this the case? 



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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published July 10, 2024 2:36 PM - Last modified July 11, 2024 1:35 PM