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Bringing your PC on summer vacation?

Summer is here, and many bring their PC and phone while traveling. Remember to consider security even when you're in vacation mode, and bring along tips for good work if you're going to have a "summer home office".

Working from home and on the go

Bildet kan inneholde: anlegg, komfort, kropp av vann, gress, tre.UiO's IT service site has a webpage with travel tips for when you travel with your PC and phone. Take a look before you travel! We also have a dedicated site for IT services that are useful when you're working from home or remotely. Here you can find tips on how to best access UiO resources when you're not physically at UiO, and under the heading "Services" you'll find the tools you need if you're working while you're on the move.

Webmail, OneDrive, and UiO Programkiosk

Many bring a PC or phone with access to UiO email. If you don't have that, → Webmail lis the solution for checking email. And if you need to use specific programs or access your home directory, then you can connect to → UiO Programkiosk. OneDrive is also useful when you're on the go. Here you can store your documents and work on them without worrying about multiple versions or losing them. Your documents are secure on OneDrive, and you can work on them from anywhere in the world. Please note that you cannot store confidential (red) and strictly confidential (black) information on OneDrive (see  the UiO Storage Guide). 

Don't save files on your computer, and watch the temperature

If you're working on UiO documents from outside UiO, it's a good idea not to save locally on the computer you're bringing with you. Check UiO's storage guide for where documents can be saved, and remember that if you save to your home directory (via UiO Programkiosk) or OneDrive, you don't have to worry about backup. And watch the temperature! Both PCs phones can easily become too hot in the sun, so if you're going to work, sit inside or in the shade. If the phone or PC gets too hot, it may shut down. It often helps to let it cool down, but be aware that electronics can suffer permanent damage from high temperatures.

UiO-CERT's top security tips:

Before you leave: If you're bringing a PC and phone that have access to UiO resources on vacation, make sure the devices are ready for a slightly higher risk situation than what you're used to at home.

  • Double-check that you haven't saved UiO passwords in your browser.
  • Make sure you haven't saved red data on your devices.  Check the UiO Storage Guide)
  • Ensure that all security updates are installed for your software.
  • Go through password and lock settings. Make sure the devices cannot be unlocked without a password or fingerprint/face recognition, and that your devices automatically lock themselves after not being used for a few minutes.
  • Create a plan for what to do if you lose or have a device stolen. Remember that the IT department can delete the content on managed phones and PCs remotely.
  • Do not bring work equipment to high-risk countries unless you have to.
  • Be aware that IT support has limited ability to help you when you're traveling, and that it is your responsibility to ensure that you can log into UiO services when you're away from campus.


On vacation: Common sense also applies on vacation, so be aware of your surroundings.

  1. Don't leave your computer or phone (or other valuables) unattended.
  2. Be cautious about making sensitive transactions on unsecure networks. If in doubt, wait until later.
  3. Be aware of warnings in your browser – if you receive a warning, it may indicate that you are on an unsafe network and you should disconnect from what you were doing.

UiO-CERT wishes you a good and safe summer!


Published June 24, 2024 1:34 PM - Last modified June 24, 2024 1:35 PM