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Applying for externally funded projects at IBV

Are you planning to submit or co-submit an externally funded research project application from the Department of Biosciences? 

This applies generally to all applications at IBV:

  • The application must be registered upon submission of the online form IBV application form (nettskjema) for deadlines in 2024. (for applications submitted in 2025, please use the online form 2025).
  • The budget must be quality-assured by the project economist or research advisor.
  • The application must be approved by the head of department before it can be submitted.

Schedule for research grant applications

In the planning phase: Contact the department's research support, research advisor Kari B. Rygg 

4 weeks before the application deadline: Submit the online form as soon as you have a plan to apply for funding (no later than 4 weeks before the application deadline/planned submission date). For some applications as CoE and ERC there will be specific deadlines.

IBV application form (nettskjema) for deadlines in 2024

  • The budget should be developed with the project economist/research advisor following the TDI model. See IBV Guidelines for Budgeting in Project Applications (pdf).
  • If applicable, please grant access to the research support in the application portals (Research Council, EU funding and Tenders portal, ESPRESSO, Nordforsk application portal, etc.).

1 week before the deadline: The completed budget is signed by the project leader, and the project economist/research advisor sends it to the head of department for approval and signature.

Final week before the deadline: Finalization of formalities (Letters of Intent, Support letters, etc.).

After submission: A copy of the application, including all attachments and the total budget, is sent to the research advisor.

Project application budget

All applicants need to get in contact with the administration for working out the total cost budget for all your applications, including partner project applications. All application budgets have to be signed by the project leader at IBV and the head of department before you can submit the application. 
Contact your section economy adviser:

or research adviser Kari B. Rygg

Lab costs/"leiested": All researcher positions and technical positions (PhD, post-doc etc.) who are going to do lab-work must budget with section “leiested”.  The exception is the PI in the Research Council of Norway’s category "Research Project for Early Career Scientist" and associated professors/professors at IBV. 

The Research Council of Norway

Contact person Kari B. Rygg

Specific information regarding the Research Council grant application form: 

Project Owner:

  • Search and select an organisation: Search for Institutt for biovitenskap
  • Select: Institutt for biovitenskap -  UNIVERSITETET I OSLO 971035854

Project administrator:

First name: Tara
Last name: Sarin
Date of birth*: 310882
Personal number:  [blank]
Gender*: Female
Position/title: Head of administration
Phone:    +4722844496

Confirmation* The application has been approved by the Project Owner (only to be ticked off when approval has actually been given by the Head of Department of Biosciences)

EU - Horizon Europe

Contact MN EU-TEAM 

Other funding sources

Contact Kari B. Rygg

Other useful information 

Published June 26, 2018 12:03 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2024 1:02 PM