Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): Science Fictionality. Architecture & Planning in Times of Scarcity: Reclaiming the Possibility of Making. Ed. Deljana Iossifova. Manchester: Softgrid, 2013. 206-212.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): Hemendrakumar Ray and the birth of adventure kalpabigyan. Jadavpur University Essays and Studies #XXVII, Fall 2013.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): History: Notes from an unresolved thesis question. Fortid, No.4/2013. 56-60. ISSN: 1504-1913.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): Digital Consciousness. Lasso. No.2/2013. 22-26. ISSN: 1892-1566.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): Rev. of Philip K. Dick and Philosophy: Do Androids Have Kindred Spirits. ed. D. E. Wittkower. Open Court: 2011. Foundation 114, Spring 2012/2013. 36-38.

Splitting the Difference: A Discussion about Indian Speculative Fiction. Roundtable on Indian Speculative Fiction hosted by Anil Menon and Vandana Singh, with Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, Samit Basu, Manjula Padmanabhan, Indrapramit Das, Swapna Kishore, Payal Dhar, Arvind Mishra, Shweta Narayan, and Suchitra Mathur. Strange Horizons, September 2013 #4, themed issue "Indian SF". (2013).

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): Recentering Science Fiction and the Fantastic: What would a non-Anglocentric understanding of science fiction and fantasy look like? Strange Horizons Fundraiser Special Issue, September 2013.

Translation into Romanian:

"Recentrarea science fiction-ului ?i a fantasticului: Cum ar ar?ta o percep?ie non-anglocentric? a science fiction-ului ?i fantasy-ului?". Trans. Cristian Tamas. Revista Societ??ii Rom?ne de Science Fiction ?i Fantasy, Special Issue: India SF, No. 8, Nov. 2013. ISSN 2247-1782.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): Trans. of "Runaway Cyclone" by Jagadish Chandra Bose. Strange Horizons September 2013 #4, themed issue "Indian SF."

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013): The entry "Bengal" in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Online edition, edited by John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls and Graham Sleight. London: Gollancz.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2013) Facets of Colonial India. Rev. of "Robert Byron. An Essay on India. Oxford and New York: Routledge, 2011" and "Adrian Carton. Mixed Race and Modernity in Colonial India: Changing concepts of hybridity across empires. Oxford and New York: Routledge, 2012." Journal of International and Global Studies, Volume 4, Number 2, April 2013.

Einar Wigen (2013): Ottoman Concepts of Empire. Contributions to the History of Concepts, nr. 1 vol. 8, s. 44-66.

Iver Neumann & Einar Wigen (2013): The importance of the Eurasian steppe to the study of international relations. Journal of International Relations and Development, 2013 16, 311–330.



Einar Wigen (2012): Pipe Dreams or Dream Pipe? Turkey's Hopes of Becoming an Energy Hub. The Middle East Journal,  vol. 66, nr. 4, s. 598-612(15). 

Helge Jordheim (2012): Against Periodization: Koselleck’s Theory of Multiple Temporalities. History and Theory, 51 (Mai 2012), s. 151-171.



Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2011): Understanding Science Fiction through Asimov's Foundation. B?ygen 2/3, 2011. 27-34. ISSN: 0860-8623.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2011): Aliens of the Same World: The Case of Bangla Science Fiction. Home in Motion: The Shifting Grammar of Self & Stranger, ed. Pedro F. Marcelino, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxfordshire.

Helge Jordheim (2011): "Unz?hlbar viele Zeiten". Die Sattelzeit im Spiegel der Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen,in Begriffene Geschichte: Beitr?ge zum Werk Reinhart Kosellecks, red. Joas & Vogt, Suhrkamp, s. 449-480.

Herdis H?lleland (2011): Personhoods for Europe: the archaeological construction and deconstruction of European-ness. In Becoming European: The transformation of third millennium Northern and Western Europe edited by C Precott & H Gl?rstad, Oxbow Books.

Audun Solli, Benjamin de Carvalho, Cedric de Coning and Mikkel F. Pedersen (forthcoming): Training in Vain? Bottlenecks in Deploying Civilians for UN Peacekeeping. International Peacekeeping.

Audun Solli and Anthony Leysens (in press): (Re)conceptualising the Political Economy of the African State Form: The Strong/Weak State Contradiction in Angola. South African Journal of Political Studies.

Audun Solli (2011): Elizabeth of Bohemia and Rene Descartes: A Response. Macalester Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 11: Iss. 1, Article 5.

Audun Solli (2011): From Good Governance to Development: A Critical Perspective on the Case of Norway's Oil for Development. Forum for Development Studies, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 1-21.




Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (2010): Jawaharlal Nehru’s Speeches on the Granting of Indian Independence in Milestone Documents in World History, Salem Press, p. 1470-80.

Herdis H?lleland (2010): Peopling the Past. On Analogical Reasoning and the Question of Cultural and Intellectual Property. Heritage Management.  ISSN 1940-8420.  3(1), s 9- 32.

Herdis H?lleland (2010): Spells of History: Childe’s Contribution to the European Identity Discourse. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology.  ISSN 1062-4740.  20(1), s 30- 37.

Helge Jordheim (2010): The Present of Enlightenment: Temporality and Mediation in Kant, Foucault, and Jean Paul. I: This Is Enlightenment. University of Chicago Press 2010 ISBN 978-0-226-76147-3. s. 189-208.

Hans Erik N?ss (2010): The Ambiguities of Intercultural Dialogue: Critical Perspectives on the European Union’s New Agenda for Culture . Journal of Intercultural Communication.  ISSN 1404-1634.  (23)