Research events
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Helene Kn?velsrud, Associate Professor in the Division of Biochemistry at UiO, will present her work on "When should you stop eating yourself? Or how is autophagy terminated?"
Master Iselin Stensdal at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages will defend her dissertation Institutional dynamics and power in the local state: Shanghai’s climate-policy processes for the degree philosophiae doctor (PhD).
In this final seminar, J?rgen Finstad will present the draft of his PhD thesis titled “Exploring multi-sector dynamics of lumpy decarbonization technologies: The case of Carbon Capture in Norway”.
Master of Philosophy in Peace and Conflict Studies Tamta Gelashvili will be defending her dissertation at the Department of Political Science:
Far-right mobilization in hybrid regimes: Explaining patterns of protest in Georgia and Ukraine
Master in Political Science Even Hellan Larsen will be defending his dissertation at the Department of Political Science:
The Determinants of Nuclear Use, Coercion, and Strategy