Previous events - Page 110
Master Niri Talberg at the Department of Education defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:
Young Poker players. Learning processes between education and stigmation.
Annual workshop for Innate immunity in cardiovascular disease.
Did we forget newborns in the global focus on maternal health? In this breakfast seminar, Dr Emma Sacks (John Hopkins University) will discuss why mistreatment of newborns is a critical issue, unpack the ethics of competing priorities in global health, and present options for policy responses.
G?ran Sundqvist is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Sundqvist is Professor at Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. He is currently working with the relationship between science and politics, and his talk will focus on how knowledge can be transformed into synthesising science, with the purpose of policy-making.
The seminar is open for everyone!
Master Irina Engeness at the Department of Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:
Learning and Teaching with Digital Tools: Insights for Learning Arising from the Cultural-Historical Theory.
Dr. Chris Wallace, Senior Research Fellow, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge University, UK, will present her research on "Conditional false discovery rates in genetic association studies of rare diseases and disease subtypes”.
Dr. Chris Wallace, Senior Research Fellow, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge University, UK, will present her research on "Conditional false discovery rates in genetic association studies of rare diseases and disease subtypes".
Thorleif Aas Kristiansen fra Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie ved UiO kommer til Forum for Vitenskapsteori. Han skal holde et foredrag basert p? doktorgradsavhandlingen sin fra Universitetet i Bergen. Den heter "Meteorologi p? reise: Veivalg og impulser i Arnt Eliassen og Ragnar Fj?rtofts forskerkarrierer", og handler alts? om dem og om norsk meteorologisk forskning i etterkrigs?rene.
Foredraget er ?pent for alle!
Pitching competition where all SPARK Norway teams are invited.
Cand.ed. Anne Arnesen at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:
Social Functioning and Reading Proficiency: Validity of Educational Assessments Used in Norwegian Elementary Schools.
ESOP Seminar
ESOP is organising a workshop on Social and Economic Development.
Heparin and Low Molecular Weight Heparins. A Century of Scientific and Clinical Progress.
Newer Oral Anticoagulant Drugs. Clinical Scope and Limitations.
Ana Delgado is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. She is Associate Professor at Centre for Techonology, Innovation and Culture at UiO. Delgado’s research is concerned with the public dimensions of science and technology. Her research combines resources from Science and Technology Studies (STS), Social Anthropology and Political Science.
The seminar is open for everyone!
ESOP Seminar. Pablo Querubin is an Assistant Professor of Politics and Economics at New York University. He will present a paper entitled "Village Social Network Structures and Electoral Competition", co-authored by Cesi Cruz and Julien Labonne.
Professor Einar Lie og forfatter Espen S?bye kommer til Forum for Vitenskapsteori for ? snakke om SSB-saken. Einar Lie er professor ved Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie ved Universitetet i Oslo. Han jobber med nyere ?konomisk og politisk historie. Med et fokus p? norsk ?konomisk politikk, bank og n?ringslivsutvikling p? 1800- og 1900-tallet. Espen S?bye, forfatter, debattant og kritiker, har med noen opphold v?rt ansatt i Statistisk sentralbyr? siden 1985. Han har gitt ut en rekke arbeider om statistikk, blant annet Tallenes fortellinger (2001) og Folkemengdens bevegelse 1735–2014(2014). Senere i ?r kommer Fakta om olje, som handler om hvordan den kvartalsvise investeringsstatistikken ble til.
Foredraget er ?pen for alle!
Master Hanne N?ss Hjetland at the Institute of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:
Predicting and improving reading comprehension. A quantitative multimethod approach.
ESOP seminar. Gaurab Aryal is an Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia. He will present a paper entitled "Public Communication and Collusion in the Airline Industry", co-authored by Federico Ciliberto, and Benjamin T. Leyden.
Professor emeritus Heine Andersen kommer til Forum for Vitenskapstori. Andersen er professor emeritus ved Sociologisk Institut, K?benhavns Universitet. Hans faglige interesser er vitenskapsteori, kunnskapssosiologi, sosiologisk teori og moralfilosofi. Hans siste bok er "亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sfrihed. Ideal og virkelighed". Hans Reitzels Forlag, K?benhavn 2017.
Foredraget vil holdes p? dansk og er ?pent for alle!
ESOP seminar. Fridrik Mar Baldursson is a Professor of Economics at Reykjavik University. He will present a paper entitled "Capital Controls as a Bargaining Device: The Case of Iceland", co-authored by Richard Portes, and Eiríkur Elís Thorlaksson.
Master Selina Thomas Mkimbili defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:
Learner-Centred Science Teaching in Community Secondary Schools in Tanzania
Master Caroline Cruaud defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:
The Playful Frame. Design and use of a gamified application for foreign language learning.
Vi inviterte Oslos befolkning til lysvandring i Botanisk hage p? kvelden 15. februar. P? vandringen fikk de se glimt av livsvitenskap i tillegg til vakre isskulpturer – en flott avslutning p? Oslo Life Science 2018.