Upcoming events
Helene Kn?velsrud, Associate Professor in the Division of Biochemistry at UiO, will present her work on "When should you stop eating yourself? Or how is autophagy terminated?"
Master Iselin Stensdal at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages will defend her dissertation Institutional dynamics and power in the local state: Shanghai’s climate-policy processes for the degree philosophiae doctor (PhD).
In this final seminar, J?rgen Finstad will present the draft of his PhD thesis titled “Exploring multi-sector dynamics of lumpy decarbonization technologies: The case of Carbon Capture in Norway”.
Master of Philosophy in Peace and Conflict Studies Tamta Gelashvili will be defending her dissertation at the Department of Political Science:
Far-right mobilization in hybrid regimes: Explaining patterns of protest in Georgia and Ukraine
Master in Political Science Even Hellan Larsen will be defending his dissertation at the Department of Political Science:
The Determinants of Nuclear Use, Coercion, and Strategy
Three workshops will be organized for potential applicants to new convergence environments. At least one person from each project must attend one workshop in order to apply.
Master Naveed Baig at the Faculty of Theology will be defending the thesis "The cure is in the pain – experiences of hospitalized Muslim patients during the Covid-19 Pandemic," for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).
Master in Philosophy and History of Ideas B?rd Hob?k will be defending his dissertation "Efficient fish. Controversies and problematizations of feed in Norwegian salmon farming, 1970-2000"
Master Eira Kathleen Ebbs at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History will defend her dissertation A Culture of Pain? Old Norse Society c. 1100–1300 for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD).
Master Mustafa Akay at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages will defend his dissertation Grasping Knowledge of the Whole World for the degree philosophiae doctor (PhD).
Three workshops will be organized for potential applicants to new convergence environments. At least one person from each project must attend one workshop in order to apply.
Dr. Gross is currently Senior Scientist and Interim Head of the Epigenetics & Neurobiology Unit of EMBL in Rome, Italy.
Master in Political Science Lise R?dland will be defending her dissertation at the Department of Political Science:
Interest Groups and Political Representation in Long-established European Democracies
Department seminar. John Hassler is a Professor of Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University.
Stephen May explores discourses of linguistic racism by white New Zealanders toward the Indigenous Māori language, in everyday discourses and the media.
In this final seminar, Stine Engen will present the draft of her PhD thesis titled “On green finance and the turning of climate change into climate risk”.
How will this affect your business plan, risk assessment and strategy?
Health Data – From Access to Value and Groundbreaking Research
Department seminar. Jinglun Yao is a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University.
Department seminar. Jerry Montonen is a PhD student in Economics at Aalto University and Helsinki GSE.
Three workshops will be organized for potential applicants to new convergence environments. At least one person from each project must attend one workshop in order to apply.
SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.
Mathias Grote will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Detailed content will be announced soon.
Sara Green (University of Copenhagen) will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series.
SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.