Conferences - Page 3
The Emergence of the Modern United States, 1896-1929
This conference brings together an international team of scholars in a collaborative effort to investigate historical bodies in relations of comparisons and negotiations, to engage in dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries.
Welcome to HEI’s annual International Student Conference!
Oslo Epigenetics Symposium 2022 presents cutting-edge epigenetic research from top national and international researchers
The NORA Conference 2022 will be taking place in Oslo on June 20th-22nd, with the theme "Tensions and Potentials in Nordic Feminist and Gender Research".
The seminar explored sonic design from multiple angles and celebrated the achievements of Professor Rolf Inge God?y.
Svein Olav Kolset was educated as a Nutritionist at the School of Nutrition, the University of Oslo. He has since then been a staff scientist and later Professor at the Department of Nutrition. Svein Olav has for decades been a leading international expert on nutrition and glycobiology. In honor of Professor Kolset's 70th birthday, we invite you to a symposium with talks reflecting Svein Olav's present and former research activities.
Welcome back to RITMO's yearly conference! Finally we can meet again and we're very excited to share our work with you. You are also welcome to join us online.
Welcome to this year's international student conference!
Keynote at RPPW2021: "Mapping between sound, brain and behavior for understanding musical meter"
A network performance between Oslo, Stockholm, and Berlin during RPPW 2021. Three musicians explore a shared physical-virtual stage using motion capture and spatial audio.
Fibres Out of Line is an interactive art installation and performance. The installation consists of 10 autonomous musical robots. Jennifer Gerry will improvise a ?10 minute dance performance with the robots during the performance. Jennifer is in California, while the robots are in Oslo. Both Jen and the Robots will join a Zoom session to see, hear, and respond to one another.
Keynote at RPPW2021: "In the wake of Henry Shaffer"
This workshop brings together researchers from a range of disciplines together to engage in discussions about the scientific study of rhythm.
The 1st MIRAGE Symposium took place on 8-9 June, 2021, but continues online: all videos are available and the discussion can continue on Slack.
The symposium is organised in the context of the MIRAGE project (RITMO, in collaboration with the National Library of Norway's Digital Humanities Laboratory).
Day 1: Video, YouTube link.
Day 2: Video, YouTube link.
The NCMM Network Meeting 2021 is open to NCMM Associate Investigators and NCMM group leaders. The meeting will take place online.
Welcome to HEI's heritage day 2020.
The event will be organized digitally, see separate registration.
Welcome to HEI’s first International Student Conference!
The Throne Holst paper- and twitter awards will be arranged October 15th at 2.00-4.00 PM.
The 10th annual Nordic EMBL Partnership conference will be hosted by MIMS, Ume?. The conference will take place online.
ARENA will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a half-day public conference at the House of Literature on 18 November 2019.
Nordic Metabolomics Society workshop and Throne Holst symposium, October 31st-November 1st 2019
A conference on the perception of music and speech as part of the ‘Perceiving Representations’ project. In particular, we are interested in whether there are interesting similarities between the perception of these two auditory phenomena, and in gathering together specialists who are working on each to foster fruitful discussions and novel insights.
The inaugural meeting of the EATRIS Norway Network will take place on 7 October 2019 in Oslo.