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Disputations - Page 66

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.scient. Anders McDonald Sookermany defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Dr.Philos.:

On Developing (Post)modern Soldiers - An Inquiry into the Ontological and Epistemological Foundation of Skill-Acquisition in an Age of Military Transformation.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.Philol. Gunn Elin Heimark defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

A practical approach in theory and in praxis. Lower secondary school teachers' understanding of a practical approach to the teaching of foreign languages.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.Philol. Kristin Helstad defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Knowledge development among teachers in upper secondary schools. A study of a school development project on writing in and across disciplines.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.Scient. Majken Korsager defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

GLOBALIZING THE SCIENCE CLASSROOM. Exploring the development of students' conceptual understandings of climate change from international peer collaboration.

Time and place: , Universitetets Aula, Karl Johansgt. 47

Rozemarijn van der Hilst, at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, will defend her thesis; Putting Privacy to the Test: How Counter-Terrorism Technology is Challenging Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights


Cand. jur Imran Haider will defend his thesis Concepts of income in National Insurance Act - a complex system

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

MSc & MA Dorothy Sutherland Olsen defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Science-based Technologies: Studies of knowledge creation in nanoscience and nanotechnologies.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.ed. Monika Kvernenes defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Bedside Teaching among Novice Medical Teachers. Mapping conceptions of bedside teaching and exploring change within the context of a teaching community.


Cand. jur Eirik Bj?rge will defend his thesis Evolutionary interpretation of treaties

Time and place: , Domus Bibliotheca, Auditorium 14

Cand. jur ?ystein Jensen will defend his thesis The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Law and Legitimacy for the degree of ph.d.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Master Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Dr.Philos.:

Local Languages in Schooling as a Right in Education: A Case Study of Curriculum Reform in Zanzibar.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Master Leila Eve Ferguson defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Making sense of multiple texts: An investigation into epistemic beliefs and multiple-text comprehension when students read about controversial science topics.

Time and place: , Blindern, University of Oslo

Master Kenneth Silseth defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Constructing learning dialogically; learners, contexts and resources. Exploring how students and teachers participate in game-based learning and digital storytelling in educational settings..

Time and place: , Helga Engs building

Candidate Eva Bjerkholt will defend her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Opening closed rooms. A qualitative study of the content and dialogues in mentoring sessions between newly qualified teachers (NQTs) and local mentors.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Master Ratib Lekhal defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

The relationship between children's attendance in Norwegian childcare centers and language and behavioral development during early childhood.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs building

Candidate Monica Johannesen will defend her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

The Sociomateriality of Teaching. Virtual Learning Environments in Teaching Practice.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

M.Phil. Stackus Okwaput defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Teacher Training for Inclusion of Children with Special Needs. towards Achieving Communicative Interaction in Education in Uganda.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.polit. Philip Anders Dammen defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Dr.Philos.:

A study of psychological distress and mental change on the basis of individual change through treatment. A contribution to the development of a scientific approach alleviating psychological problems. A study conducted with a mixed design.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs building

Master ?ste Marie Mjelve Hagen will defend her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Reading in the knowledge society. A quantitative and qualitative investigation of students' strategic reading of multiple texts.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Wilhelm Bjerknes building

Cand.polit. Ola Johan Sj?bakken defend his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

An action research study of regular, formalized teacher-pupil dialogues.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs building

Cand.polit. Torill Aagot Halvorsenwill defend her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Trapped in the language? ICT and language-choices in Tanzanian higher education.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs building

Cand.polit. Hilde W?gs?s Afdal will defend her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Construction knowledge for the teaching profession. A comparative analysis of policy making, curricula content, and novice teachers' knowledge relations in the cases of Finland and Norway

Time and place: , Faculty of Theology, U40

Cand.philol. Vemund Blomkvist will defend his doctoral dissertation "The Euthalian Apparatus. Text – Translation – Commentary" for the degree of Doctor Philosophiae at the Faculty of Theology.  

Time and place: , Faculty of Theology, U40

Cand.theol. Sivert Angel will defend his doctoral dissertation "The Religious Pedagogic of Lucas Osiander (1534-1604)" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Theology.  

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Cand.polit. Thomas de Lange will defend his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d:

"Technology and Pedagogy: Analysing Digital practices in Media Education."