Disputations - Page 3
MD Isaac Blaas at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “CD8 T-cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 in healthy individuals and B-cell depleted lymphoma patients” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Cand.med. Natalia Kononova at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Assessing and monitoring disease development in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by using biomarkers” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
MD Anniken J?rlo Fuglestad at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “C-Reactive Protein in Colorectal Cancer – a Clinical Renaissance” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Master Florian Graz at the Faculty of Theology will be defending the thesis "I Found a Little Book which the Apostles Had Written" Frame Narratives in Coptic Apocrypha for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).
Master Amna Mahmood at the Department of Culture, Religion, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies defended her dissertation Feminism in Islam, Social Media and Religious Change. A Study of Multidimensional Decolonial Muslim Feminist and Queer Initiatives in Scandinavia for the degree philosophiae doctor (PhD).
MD Ingvild Helle Medin at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Late in-the-bag intraocular lens dislocation surgery: Intraocular inflammation and long-term complications after surgery” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Cand.med. Helge Evensen at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Peroral endoscopic myotomy in achalasia: Results and outcome evaluation” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Master Erik Kristoffer Arnesen at Institute of Basic Medical Sciences will be defending the thesis “Diet, serum lipids, and cardiovascular disease – from fatty acids to foods: Epidemiological aspects” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
M.Chiro Maria Torheim Bjelkar?y at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Pain, mortality and health-related quality of life in Norwegian older adults with long-term use of opioids, benzodiazepines and z-hypnotics” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Cand.med. Engelke Marie Randers at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Surgical treatment of sacroiliac joint pain” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Master Ragnar ?vergaard Aas at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History defended his dissertation Bound by solidarity: Norwegian activists and Chilean exiles against the junta, 1973-1990 for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD).
Master Peder Valle at the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas defended his dissertation So Different, So Appealing: Mediations of Modern Design Culture in the 1963 Norwegian Industrial Design Exhibition at the Oslo Museum of Applied Art for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD).
MD Astrid Helene Ytrehus J?rgensen at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Hearing loss and work participation: A longitudinal population study” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Master Mustafa Akay at the Department of Culture, Religion, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies defended his dissertation Grasping Knowledge of the Whole World for the degree philosophiae doctor (PhD).
Master Espen Woldsengen Haugom at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Shared decision making in mental health care: a mixed method study of extent, associated factors, and experiences among patients with psychotic disorders and health professionals” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Master Eira Kathleen Ebbs at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History defended her dissertation A Culture of Pain? Old Norse Society c. 1100–1300 for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD).
Master in Philosophy and History of Ideas B?rd Hob?k will be defending his dissertation "Efficient fish. Controversies and problematizations of feed in Norwegian salmon farming, 1970-2000"
Cand.med. Morten Eikrem at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Distal Radius Fractures: New Surgical Treatment and Patient Injury Compensation” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
M.Sc. Cathrine Goberg Olsen at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Genetic epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Norway” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Master Naveed Baig at the Faculty of Theology will be defending the thesis "The cure is in the pain – experiences of hospitalized Muslim patients during the Covid-19 Pandemic," for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).
Master Iselin Stensdal at the Department of Culture, Religion, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies defended her dissertation Institutional dynamics and power in the local state: Shanghai’s climate-policy processes for the degree philosophiae doctor (PhD).
MD Anamaria Gheorghiu at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Association of lifestyle, anthropometric and metabolic factors with risk for primary central nervous system tumors” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Cand.med. J?rgen Joakim J?rgensen at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Disaster preparedness as part of a trauma system - preparing for the unexpected” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
Master Marthe Dalevoll Macedo at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Second-degree perineal tears - Classification, risk factors, and consequences” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
MPH Rula Ghandour Daoud at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Menstrual health among adolescent girls: A mixed methods study in Palestine Refugee Camps in Occupied Palestine and Jordan” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).