The Science Studies Colloquium Series

The Science Studies Colloquium Series is an interdisciplinary institution at the University of Oslo, founded in 1979.

About us

The Science Studies Colloquium Series was founded in 1979 at the University of Oslo as part of a national is committed to dissipation of all kinds of "research on research", including science policy, disciplinary and professional ethics, methodology, epistemology, history of science, philosophy of science, and sociology of science.

The focus of our activity is the open, weekly seminar on Wednesdays, 02:15 PM - 04:00 PM (time and place may vary).

To stay informed about our activities, sign up for our weekly info-mail, simply by sending your name and e-mail address to the secretary.

Our purpose is to increase the awareness of issues within Science Studies broadly conceived, especially among academics and researchers.

Contact information

Postal address

IFIKK / The Science Studies Colloquium Series
Postboks 1020, Blindern
0315 Oslo





Published Nov. 9, 2011 1:24 PM - Last modified Sep. 4, 2024 3:02 PM