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Centres of Excellence

The University of Oslo's Centers of Excellence (SFF) conduct groundbreaking research within health sciences, mathematics, natural sciences, social studies and the humanities.


Centers of Excellence enable Norway's leading scientific environments to collaborate, striving to achieve ambitious scientific goals.

The research conducted in these centers is innovative and holds significant potential for results of international significance.

Funding for the centres extends up to ten years.


Educational inequalities are of global concern. The Center for Research on Equality in Education (CREATE) aims to understand how learning environments enable all children to realize their potential.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-V
  • project duration: 2023–2033


The Norwegian Center for Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning (Integreat) combines knowledge and methods from multiple fields to lay the foundation for a more accurate, sustainable, comprehensible, and reliable machine learning – the engine of artificial intelligence.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-V
  • project duration: 2023–2033


A single injection of a specific type of immune cells can cure even advanced stage cancer. The Center for Precision Immunotherapy (PRIMA) aims to develop the next generation of precision immunotherapy.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-V
  • project duration: 2023–2033


The biological processes that occur in the very early stages of existence have significant implications for development and health. The Center for Embryology (CRESCO) studies gene regulation and genome stability in the earliest phases of life.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-V
  • project duration: 2023–2033


What are the key conditions for the emergence of life? What could be the characteristics of planets in other solar systems that may be habitable? These are the questions explored by the Center for Planetary Habitability (PHAB).

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-V
  • project duration: 2023–2033


The Hylleraas Center is developing new computational methods for simulations of complex molecular systems. The methods are used to study new processes and phenomena within chemistry, physics and biology.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-IV
  • project duration: 2017–2027


Researcher looking into a microscope

Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming (CanCell) will find the cancer's weak points for being able to "reprogram" the cancer cells into harmless cells, thus developing new types of cancer treatment.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-IV
  • project duration: 2017–2027


Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics (RoCS) will understand the active sun. In this way, processes that have direct consequences for the earth's atmosphere and the conditions for life on earth will be uncovered.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-IV
  • project duration: 2017–2027


Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion (RITMO) seeks to reveal the basic cognitive mechanisms underlying human rhythm and time experience.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-IV
  • project duration: 2017–2027


Hybrid Technology Hub (HTH) develops an "Organ on a chip", a new technology that can contribute to a whole new understanding of the body's organisms and how different forms of treatment work.

  • UiO's role: project owner
  • announcement round: SFF-IV
  • project duration: 2017–2027


Porus Media Laboratory (PoreLab) focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods.

  • UiO's role: partner
  • announcement round: SFF-IV
  • project duration: 2017–2027