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Newsletter UiO:Life Science December 2019

The Oslo Life Science Conference 10–13 February 2020

Join us for the Oslo Life Science Conference 5-year anniversary in 2020! Four days with events on health research, health industry, environmental research and sustainability for all who are interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. In 2020, we have more events for the public. The conference is free and open to all.

Visit the conference website

Main event ?Life sciences in the next decade? in the University Aula and reception in Oslo City Hall 10 February...

What will life sciences bring us in 2020–2030? What is the role of artificial intelligence (AI)? What are the visions for academia, hospitals and industry in a rapidly changing world where we need sustainable solutions? How can Oslo and Norway strengthen its position as a leading life science hub in Europe?

...and many other exciting conference events on health and environment

Event and workshops mainly for researchers, including students, PhDs and postdocs, and industry, but open to all

For students, PhDs and postdocs at UiO and NMBU

For kindergarten and schools

Calls UiO:Life Science

Support from UiO:Life Science's open call

The board of UiO:Life Science has granted support to the Norwegian branch of The Earth Biogenome Project (EBP) – the project that will map the DNA of all eukaryote organisms on earth. Norwegian researchers want to map species that are of special importance to Norway in terms of both biodiversity and value creation. Read about this funding and previous fundings from the open call (in Norwegian). 


SPARK Norway Educational Forum spring 2020

UiO:Life Science's innovation programme SPARK Norway hosts monthly open meetings where you can increase your competence on how to develop an idea into a product. 

Life Science Building News

Biomakerspace: R&D simulation day at Bayer

Students, Phd students and postdoctoral fellows from UiO joined UiO:Life Science for a Research and Development Day at Bayer in November. Here they got to try every step of the drug research and development process. The event is part of UiO's collaboration with Bayer, which includes development of a biomakerspace in the new life science building. There students can try out their own ideas in the laboratory. A new R&D day is already planned for March.

Information meetings at the faculties

The UiO management and the Estate Department (EA) will visit the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on 22 January and the Faculty of Medicine on 23 January to present the plans for offices and laboratories in the Life science building. The meetings are open to all employees. More information will be published on the faculties’ websites.

News from the convergence environments

UiO:Life Science funds 14 interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments – that will solve major societal challenges related to health and the environment. They have received PhD and postdoctoral positions as well as running expenses.


27–28 January: Genetics and Genomics of cancer, hosted by the convergence environment PERCATHE and partners

New podcast for the mind

Brain researcher Gaute Einevoll has started the podcast ?Vett og vitenskap? – Sense and science. He is professor at both UiO and NMBU, and also member of the convergence environment MultiModal Mental Models (4MENT). The starting point for the podcast is often new non-fiction books. Physicist Anja R?yne at UiO, is one of the researchers who have visited the studio. She talked about her book "The Elements We Live By", a book she for which she was awarded the Brage Prize in the category popular science last year. Listen to the podcast. You will also meet her our event on The habitable earth at the Oslo Life Science conference on 11 February


Consciousness and brain states: neuroscience studies and conceptual innovation (ConsciousBrainConcepts) wants to further develop the consciousness concept to solve fundamental issues in consciousness research. Read more.

Comparative immunology of fish and humans (COMPARE) wants to find out how the peculiar immune system of the codfishes function in detail and what its implications are for human immune disease. The results will affect future aquaculture, human medicine as well as providing a social sciences case for our awareness of the future possibilities of gene modifications of fish and humans. Read more.

MultiModal Mental Models: converging approaches from genomes to mental illness and interplay with psychosocial stressors (4MENT) wants to better understand the etiology and disease mechanisms of severe mental disorders, focusing on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and related mental phenotypes. Read more.

Availability and function of donor organs: Debating the dead donor rule (3DR) wants to increase availability and function of donor organs for transplantation and to create societal awareness and debate on ethical issues using Donation after Circulatory Death (DCD). Read more.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year with 24 pictures from 2019!


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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Dec. 18, 2019 8:36 AM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2023 9:22 PM