Newsletter December 2023

Newsletter from UiO:Life Science December 2023

Welcome to the leading conference in life sciences in Norway!
The University of Oslo and partners invite you to the most important conference for life sciences in Norway 13–14 February! The main theme of Norway Life Science 2024 is health data.
Join when the leading researchers, central leaders in the Norwegian health sector, world-leading pharmaceutical companies, start-up companies, investors and decision-makers meet to discuss how to increase Norway's competitiveness in access to and use of health data and to develop a world-leading health industry in Norway.
Register today to secure a place - attending the conference is free of charge.

Talks - Debates - Parallel Sessions - Reception in Oslo City Hall

Plenary Events - Young Talents - Pitching Sessions

Reception in Oslo City Hall
All participants of Norway Life Science 2024 are invited to a reception in Oslo City Hall on Tuesday 13 February. Sign up when signing up for the conference.

Young Talents 2024
Join the career event for master's students, PhD candidates and postdocs with a background in life sciences. Hear inspiring talks and attend networking meetings with companies.
Side events
12–15 February it is possible to attend events that take place in Domus Bibliotheca and other places in Oslo.
Nordic SPARK teams at NLS Days
The Nordic SPARK programmes participated in the Nordic Life Science Days in Copenhagen 29-30. November. In addition to building networks, SPARK Norway, SPARK Denmark and SPARK Finland organized a panel discussion on how strong Nordic collaboration paves the way for SPARK innovation projects.

New interdisciplinary course - Introduction to forensic medicine
The introductory course BIOS1010 – Introduksjon i rettsmedisin starts in January 2024. The course provides an introduction to forensic disciplines and amounts to 10 credits.
- 13 December Ane Haarr from the convergence environment AnthroTox defended her thesis "Occurrence and dynamics of organic contaminants in Tanzanian biota: legacies of past production and emerging concerns" for the degree PhD.
- The Convergence Environment FibroPET has an open position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Physics
Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Application deadline: 7 January
- 7 February SPARK Norway Educational Forum
- 12 February Darwin Day 2024: Understanding human evolution and culture through ancient DNA
- 12 February Voldtekt som et helseproblem
- 13– 14 February Norway Life Science 2024
- 14 February NOR-MPS symposium
- 14 February Bioteknologidagen 2024
- 15 February Gutter og livsvitenskap
- 6– 7 March Conference on Medical and Legal Knowledge and the Problematic of Translation
- 13 March SPARK Norway Educational Forum
- 17 April SPARK Norway Educational Forum
- 29 May SPARK Norway Educational Forum
Summer research projects for students
Application form opens 15 February 8 am -
Provide summer research projects for students
Deadline: 15 February - Open call
For interdisciplinary projects
Deadline: Running - Course development support
For departments and faculties
Deadline: Running