Newsletter June 2023

Newsletter from UiO:Life Science June 2023

New interdisciplinary study offer: Honours certificate in Life Science Innovation
Now students who want to pursue a career in innovation and entrepreneurship can take an honours certificate in Life Science Innovation.

Student gains research and job experience through summer project
Computer science student Espen L?nes has gone straight from a busy spring semester to new challenges - he is one of 48 students who receive a grant from UiO:Life Sciences to contribute to a research project this summer.
Interdisciplinary courses
In autumn 2023, the following interdisciplinary courses in life sciences are offered:
16 June Jonas Verhellen from the convergence environment MultiModal Mental Models: Converging approaches from genomes to mental illness and interplay with psychosocial stressors, defended his thesis.
Apply for Circle U. Seed Funds
Circle U. announces seed funding to initiate collaboration across the alliance's institutions. The call is open for students, researchers and research administrative staff. Application deadline: 15 October.
20 September SPARK Norway Educational Forum
26 September 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sdagene: Kan maten vi spiser endre verden?
25 October SPARK Norway Educational Forum
6 December SPARK Europe Educational Forum organised by SPARK Norway
Open call for interdisciplinary projects - no deadline
Course development support for departments and faculties - no deadline