Programme 11 February

Graphics Norway Life Science 11 February.

09:30–09:45 Welcome to Norway Life Science 2025

Image may contain: Collar, Smile, Eyewear, Official, Throat.Eirik Lae Solberg.
Photo of Lae Solberg by Sturlason. 


09:45–10:45 From Health Data Access to Value and Groundbreaking Research - Part 1

This session will be in Norwegian

  • Stefan Woxstr?m, Senior Vice President Europe and Canada, AstraZeneca
  • Torgeir Micaelsen, State Secretary, Ministery of Digitalisation and Public Governance (Labour Party): 
    Digitalisering, KI og bruk av helsedata som drivkrefter for bedre helsetjenester, fremragende forskning og ny helsen?ring 

Paneldiskusjon: Utvikling av morgendagens robuste helsevesen

Stefan Woxstr?m, AstraZeneca.Torgeir Micaelsen.
Photo of Micaelsen by Torbj?rn Tandberg.



Bj?rn Atle Bj?rnbeth, OUS.Guri R?rtveit, FHI.Wenche P. Dehli.

Camilla Stoltenberg, NORCE.Per Morten Sandset

10:45–11:10 Break

11:10–12:00 From Health Data Access to Value and Groundbreaking Research - Part 2

This session will be in Norwegian

  • Tone Varslot Stave, Head of health export, Innovation Norway:
    Nullpunktsanalyse for eksportsatsing helse - overordnet presentasjon av Menons rapport med n?kkeltall for helseindustrien
  • Ole Andreassen, Professor, University of Oslo

Paneldiskusjon: N?dvendige tiltak for ? n? nasjonale ambisjoner

  • Erna Solberg, Leader, Conservative Party
  • Cathrine Thomassen, Director, GE Healthcare
  • Ingrid Teigland Akay, Managing Partner, Hadean Ventures
  • Kjetil Taskén, Head Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital & Professor University of Oslo 

Chair: Ishita Barua, Chief Health AI Officer, Livv Health

Tone Varslot Stave, Innovation Norway.Ole Andreassen, University of Oslo.

Erna Solberg, Conservative Party.Cathrine Thomassen, GE HealthCare.Ingrid Teigland Akay, Hadean Ventures.Kjetil Tasken.Ishita Barua
Foto Erna Solberg: Hans Kristian Thorbj?rnsen.


12:00–13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Health data and AI: solutions for a better society

  • Timothy Miller, Vice President, Enterprise Science & Innovation, Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Erwin B?ttinger, Chief Executive Officer, Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering

  • Speaker TBA

Timothy M. Miller, Thermo Fisher Scientific.Erwin B?ttinger, Wyss Center.

14:00–14:15 Break

14:15–15:30 Parallel Sessions

AI and drug design - Precision tools for the largest global challenges

Scientists in the academic forefront will discuss how AI can be used for drug design to predict structure and effect.

  • Use and design of antimicrobial peptides as antimicrobials to fight antibiotic resistant pathogens – possibilities and challenges 
    Morten Kjos, Associate Professor, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Title TBA
    Cyril Franzen, R&D Operations Manager, ACD Pharma
  • AI-driven biological screening
    Alexander Johannes Stasik, Research Scientist, SINTEF Digital
  • Cortex AI: Advancing Drug Discovery for Life Extension and Beyond
    Ivan de Weber, CEO, Cortex Discovery

Chair: Timothy M Miller, Vice President, Enterprise Science & Innovation, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Event organizer: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, SINTEF and The Life Science Cluster

Using register data and RWE to improve population health - how can Norway excel?

  • Real-World Evidence on Pharmaceuticals for Regulatory Purpose in the EU – Capitalizing on Norwegian health registry data in large European initiatives
    Hedvig Nordeng, Professor, University of Oslo

  • Risk stratification with the ACG System using data from Norwegian health registries Jorid KalsethSenior Research Scientist, SINTEF

  • Title of presentation TBA
    Richard Bergstrom, Vice President European Affairs, IQVIA

  • HPV vaccination – how Norwegian and Nordic registry data can impact public health and support HPV-related cancer elimination globally
    Stina Salomonsson, Outcome Research Executive Director, MSD

Chair: TBA

Event organizer: Oslo Cancer Cluster, SINTEF, LMI and The Life Science Cluster

Implementation of AI – ethics, organization and trust

What happens when AI is implemented in practice?

  • Injecting knowledge in machine learning to increase trust in algorithms by health professionals and patients
    Arnoldo Frigessi, Professor, University of Oslo and Director of the centre of excellence Integreat
  • What is right for ‘this’ patient? Autonomy, trust and transparency in the era of medical AI Anna Smajdor, Professor, University of Oslo
  • Intelligent Resource Planning at Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital - An Example of How AI Drives Value Creation in Norwegian Hospitals Olav Willumsen Haug?, CEO, Deep Insight

  • Making of Effective AI in Healthcare through Infrastructure and Process Reconfigurations
    Alexander Kempton, Associate Professor, University of Oslo

Chair: TBA

Event organizer: Norway Health Tech and Integreat

15:30–15:45 Break

15:45-16:30 Health data and AI: challenges and bottlenecks


  • Kristian Hveem, Professor Norwegian University of Science and Technology & HUNT

  • Peter Speyer, Head of Data, Analytics & AI, Novartis Foundation

  • Anne Kjersti Befring, Professor, University of Oslo

  • Helga M. Br?gger, Senior Scientist, DNV
  • Kristine B?r?e, Professor, University of Oslo

Chair: Ishita Barua, Chief Health AI Officer, Livv Health

Kristian Hveem.Peter SpeyerAnne Kjersti Befring, University of Oslo.Helga Br?gger, DNV.Ishita Barua


17:30-19:00 Reception Oslo City Hall 

The doors open at 17:00. The event starts at 17:30

The programme is subject to changes.


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