Carl Henrik G?rbitz

Director UiO:Life Science
Image of Carl Henrik  G?rbitz
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Mobile phone +47 9064 9069
Room Sogn Arena
Visiting address Klaus Torg?rds vei 3 Sogn Arena 2. et. 0372 OSLO
Postal address P.O.Box 1078 Blindern 0316 OSLO

Life Science

UiO:Life Science is a cross-disciplinary initiative established to facilitate, initiate and support interdisciplinary research, education and innovation related to health, environment and sustainability at the University of Oslo. At the same time, we actively inform about and market life science activities at UiO at internal events and to relevant external companies and institutions within the health industry, politics, fuding agencies etc.

Academic Interests

We are studying the crystal structures of various amino acids and peptides, either alone or in complexes with other selected compounds.

We do systematic investigations of the way these molecules interact with each other. In this we become capable of using them as tools in crystal engineering of new classes of organic nanomaterials. These nanomaterials may be used for storageand slow release of bioactive substances by adsorption and desorption, as sensors, artificial receptors, in catalysts etc.

Single crystal X-ray diffraction is our main experimental method, but it is supplemented by a range of different model calculations, ab initio structure prediction,retrieval of information from structural databases and investigations carried out under extreme conditions (high pressure and/or temperature) at the University of Oslo or in cooperation with national and international partners.


Tags: Life Science, Amino acids, Peptides, Crystal structures, Organic materials, Structural databases


  • Gomes, Etelvina De Matos; Baptista, Rosa M.F. & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik (2024). Crystal structure of di-glycylglycinium squarate dihydrate, C<inf>12</inf>H<inf>22</inf>N<inf>4</inf>O<inf>12</inf>, at 105 K. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. New crystal structures. ISSN 1433-7266. doi: 10.1515/ncrs-2024-0416.
  • Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian (2024). Database mining and first-principles assessment of organic proton-transfer ferroelectrics. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS. ISSN 2475-9953. 8(5). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.054413.

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  • Bjor?, Charlotte Sletten; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Bratlie, Sigrid (2024). Abels t?rn. [Radio]. NRK.
  • Jemterud, Torkild; Roberts, Aubrey Jane; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Einevoll, Gaute (2024). Abels t?rn. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian (2024). Database mining and first-principles assessment of organic proton-transfer ferroelectrics.
  • S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian (2024). Screening the CSD to identify ferroelectric plastic crystals.
  • S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; Balagopan, Manjunath; Walker, Julian Bradley; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Helland-Madsen, Georg [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2024). Computational modeling of ferroelectric and piezoelectric plastic crystals? .
  • Engebretsen, Solveig; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik; Ellingsen, Kristian & Jemterud, Torkild (2024). Abels t?rn: Hva er de ti sterkeste dyrene? . [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Berland, Kristian & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik (2023). Database mining and first-principles assessment of organic proton-transfer ferroelectrics.
  • Berland, Kristian; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & S?dahl, Elin Dypvik (2024). Molecular Ferroelectric Plastic Crystals: Computational Modeling and Discovery. NMBU.

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Published Sep. 18, 2018 9:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2022 2:18 PM