Bjor?, Charlotte Sletten; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Bratlie, Sigrid
Abels t?rn.
Jemterud, Torkild; Roberts, Aubrey Jane; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Einevoll, Gaute
Abels t?rn.
Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian
Database mining and first-principles assessment of organic proton-transfer ferroelectrics.
S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian
Screening the CSD to identify ferroelectric plastic crystals.
S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; Balagopan, Manjunath; Walker, Julian Bradley; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Helland-Madsen, Georg
[Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen]
Computational modeling of ferroelectric and piezoelectric plastic crystals? .
Engebretsen, Solveig; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik; Ellingsen, Kristian & Jemterud, Torkild
Abels t?rn: Hva er de ti sterkeste dyrene? .
Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Berland, Kristian & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik
Database mining and first-principles assessment of organic proton-transfer ferroelectrics.
Roberts, Aubrey Jane; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik; Mossige, Joachim; Samset, Bj?rn Hallvard & Uggerud, Einar
Abels T?rn.
S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Walker, Julian Bradley; Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian
Ferroelectric molecular crystals – Discovering and modeling of unknown properties in known materials .
S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian
Molecular ferroelectric crystals: Discovering new sustainable ferroelectrics .
Seyedraoufi, Seyedmojtaba; S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; Berland, Kristian & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik
Database mining and first-principles assessment of organic proton-transfer molecular ferroelectrics.
Friedman, Yael; Watzl, Sebastian; Oftedal, Gry & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik
Kurering, heling og habilitering.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet).
ISSN 0029-2001.
S?dahl, Elin Dypvik; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Berland, Kristian
Mining the Cambridge Structural Database for substituted structures to guide rational design of organic molecular crystals?.
Friedman, Yael; Watzl, Sebastian; Oftedal, Gry & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik
Hva betyr ?? bli bra? etter helseproblemer? Tre ord kan hjelpe oss ? v?re tydeligere.
Aftenposten Viten.
ISSN 2464-3033.
s. 28–29.
G?rbitz, Carl Henrik; Jakobsen, Kjetill Sigurd; Sandve, Simen R?d; Goks?yr, Anders; Brautaset, Trygve & J?rgensen, Trond ?.
Den sjette masseutryddelse og Jordens DNA.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
ISSN 0804-3116.
Nols?e, Jens Mortansson Jelstrup; Stenstr?m, Yngve H.; Antonsen, Simen Gjelseth; Hansen, Trond Vidar; R?hr, ?smund Kjendseth & Nesman, Jannicke Irina
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Total Synthesis of (?)-Mucosin and Structural Revision.
G?rbitz, Carl Henrik; Bergsaker, Anne Schad; B?ckman, Petter & Jemterud, Torkild
Abels t?rn.
Ekko, NRK P2.
Nols?e, Jens Mortansson Jelstrup; Antonsen, Simen Gjelseth; Nesman, Jannicke Irina; Hansen, Trond Vidar; Stenstr?m, Yngve H. & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik
[Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen]
Total Synthesis of (?)-Mucosin and Structural Revision.
Antonsen, Simen Gjelseth; Nols?e, Jens Mortansson Jelstrup; Stenstr?m, Yngve H.; Hansen, Trond Vidar; R?hr, ?smund Kjendseth & Nesman, Jannicke Irina
[Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen]
Total Synthesis of (?)-Mucosin
and Structural Revision.
Nols?e, Jens Mortansson Jelstrup; Antonsen, Simen Gjelseth; Gallantree-Smith, Harrison Christopher; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik; Hansen, Trond Vidar & Stenstr?m, Yngve H.
Total synthesis targeting structural elucidation of marine hydrindane natural products.
Kristianslund, Renate; Aursnes, Marius; Tungen, J?rn Eivind; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Hansen, Trond Vidar
Enantioselective bromolactonization using chiral squaramides - Application in the total synthesis of (-)-sielboldianin A.
Kristianslund, Renate; Aursnes, Marius; Tungen, J?rn Eivind; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & Hansen, Trond Vidar
Synthesis of (-)-sielboldianin A using a squaramide
catalyzed enantioselective bromolactonization reaction.
Antonsen, Simen Gjelseth; Stenstr?m, Yngve H.; Hansen, Trond Vidar; Gallantree-Smith, Harrison Christopher; Nols?e, Jens Mortansson Jelstrup & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik
Total synthesis based on the originally claimed structure of mucosin.
Nols?e, Jens Mortansson Jelstrup; Gallantree-Smith, Harrison; Antonsen, Simen Gjelseth; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; Hansen, Trond Vidar & Stenstr?m, Yngve
Total synthesis based on the originally claimed structure of mucosin.
Lausund, Kristian Blindheim; Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; Lundanes, Elsa & Nilsen, Ola
Nano-filters for blood sample analysis
Lausund, Kristian Blindheim; Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; Lundanes, Elsa & Nilsen, Ola
Nano-filters for Blood Sample Analysis
Lausund, Kristian Blindheim; Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; Lundanes, Elsa & Nilsen, Ola
Porous inorganic-organic hybrid materials by ALD
Lausund, Kristian Blindheim; Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; Lundanes, Elsa & Nilsen, Ola
Deposition of organic-inorganic hybrid films of Zr-1,4-BDC by ALD
Jemterud, Torkild; Wenn, Camilla Cecilie; Holm, Sverre & Gorbitz, Carl Henrik
Tidskapsler - og andre sp?rsm?l.
NRK Ekko - Abels t?rn.
Vogt, Yngve; Thorbj?rnsrud, Helen Vikdal; Burschowsky, Daniel; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik & Krengel, Ute
Molekylforskning kan gi ny medisin mot tuberkulose.
Apollon : 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录smagasin for Universitetet i Oslo.
ISSN 0803-6926.
Hammami, Amir; H?iland, Klaus & Gorbitz, Carl Henrik
Abels T?rn.
Holmsen, Marte Sofie; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; ?ien, Sigurd & Tilset, Mats
Synthesis, Structure and Dynamics of New Rh(III) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes.
Holmsen, Marte Sofie; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; ?ien, Sigurd & Tilset, Mats
Synthesis, structure and dynamics of new Rh(III) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes.
Holmsen, Marte Sofie; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; ?ien, Sigurd & Tilset, Mats
Synthesis, structure and dynamics of new Rh(III) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes.
Holmsen, Marte Sofie; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik; ?ien, Sigurd & Tilset, Mats
Synthesis, structure and dynamics of new Rh(III) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes.
Siah, Huey San Melanie; Gundersen, Lise-Lotte & Gorbitz, Carl Henrik
NMR and X-ray structural studies of 3-benzyl-8-bromoadenine.
Berland, Kristian; G?rbitz, Carl Henrik & S?dahl, Elin Dypvik
Molecular Ferroelectric Plastic Crystals: Computational Modeling and Discovery.
Zawadzka, Malgorzata Elzbieta; Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon & G?rbitz, Carl Henrik
Unravelling nature s sunglasses – Identifying the compound that protects bird eyes.
Universitetet i Oslo.
Vis sammendrag
Ultraviolet (UV) protection is crucial for all living organisms as it can cause serious harm damaging the DNA of cells and leading to conditions such as cataracts, blindness and skin cancer. Many animals can either produce their own sunscreen compound or acquire it in their diet. Goose eyes contain a single, unknown component (“Compound X”) that dominates the UV absorbing profile of the goose eye chamber fluid and with its high absorbance functions as natural sunglasses for geese.
The aim of this study was to identify “Compound X” using various established analytical techniques and methods, as well as develop a new one; the concept of temperature programming crystallization prior to single crystal X-ray diffractometric analysis for limited samples was explored.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-UV analysis confirmed the presence of a single compound with a maximum absorption of 254 nm, implying the presence of an aromatic ring. MS analysis implied a molar mass of 149.05 g/mol, and presence of hydroxyl group and carbon chain containing methyl group. As the “Compound X” crystallized in the form of fibers, it was not possible to conduct single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) analysis on the available diffractometer.
When using model compounds, crystals obtained with temperature programming were suitable for SCXRD analysis. Further experimentation with this technique may open possibilities for structure elucidation of the “Compound X” and other new compounds in small samples.