Oslo Life Science Conference 10-14 February 2020
We want to thank all of you who attended the events and celebrated the 5-year anniversary in 2020! We had four days with events on health research, health industry, environmental research and sustainability for all who are interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. In 2020 we had more events for the public.
Follow activity on Twitter: #oslolifescience
Picture and videos from events in 2020
Main organizer: UiO:Life Science
Co-organizers in 2020: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Oslo University Hospital (OUS), the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI), Oslo Cancer Cluster, the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) at UiO, Faculties and Departments at UiO and the City of Oslo.
Sponsor in 2020: The Research Council of Norway
Programmes, videos and pictures from former conferences