Research groups

What can objects collected in the Nordic North tell us about "Norden"? We investigated natural and human-made objects that have been collected during the 19th and 20th Centuries.

The project studied the Nordic response to the climate crisis and loss of nature. Did climate actions, #fridaysforfuture, and flight shame show that the Nordic countries have a special role to play in the global fight for climate and nature?

Experts are often asked to give advice. But do they influence political decisions? Are experts increasingly powerful in the Nordic countries?

The research group presented proposals for sustainable business models that can be implemented in Nordic and non-Nordic countries and regions, as well as across global value chains.

The aim of this project was to evaluate and revitalise the field of gender studies of the Nordic past, from the Stone Age to the Middle Age.

What is "The Nordic Model" of childhood? Do the values or ideals that the model is widely thought to embody still exist today?

Is there anything specific about Nordic forms of hospitality which are developing in the encounters between arriving migrants and civil society receiving projects?

The interdisciplinary research project Nordic Branding investigated how the imaginaries of the Nordic region, countries, and models are constructed and appropriated and used in politics and in law.

How have civil societies’ global, transnational and regional interactions shaped ideas about "Norden"?

The project aimed to study how the welfare state emerged historically in the Nordic (especially Norwegian) context, and its possible emergence in developing countries in Africa and Latin America today.

A comparative research project that investigated the Nordic education model, with en emphasis on both current and historical aspects.