Norwegian version of this page

This form contain questions that may collect personal information

The information shown in the form will be stored and may contain personal dala.

Information that is logged and made available to the form owner

Forms without login

Only the information shown in the form as questions will be stored.

Forms with login via FEIDE/UiO-weblogin

Only information asked for in the form is available to the form owner. If you have logged in via FEIDE/UiO-weblogin, information such as email, username and full name may be filled in automatically. If this information is not shown in the form, it will not be stored.

Forms with login via e-mail invitation sent from Nettskjema

If you access the form via link with login-token sent from Nettskjema, your e-mail address will be stored with the submission.

Forms with login via ID-porten (BankID/MinID)

Your Norwegian national ID-number will be stored with the submission if you log in via ID-porten.

Combination of questions

The form may identify an individual if specific questions are combined. For instance questions such as position, gender and age combined with institutional affiliation.

Time of submission

The following timestamp will be stored with the submission:

  • Timestamp (date and time) of initial submission
  • Timestamp of last change, given that the form allows answers to be modified.

Receipt or confirmation of submission via e-mail

I you register to receive a receipt/confirmation via e-mail, your e-mail address will be stored with your submission.

Old form with personal data, will automatically be cleaned. Read more about how UiO make sure that Nettskjema do not store unnecessary personal data.

Read more about personal information in the Annotated edition of Data protection regulations and terms of use for Nettskjema.

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Published Aug. 22, 2018 12:10 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2021 3:23 PM