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Consent to data collection for Nettskjema and TSD

Projects that collect personal information must inform the respondent of how the data is handled and inform about the possibility of withdrawing the consent and having the response data deleted.

Read more about secure storage and handling of sensitive data in TSD.

The consent is to be regarded as a contract between the respondent and the project. All necessary aspects of handling data, the project's organization, contact information, and information necessary to be able to withdraw the consent must be informed of.

When a form is used to obtain consent and the answer is delivered to TSD, you can increase the quality of the legal side of the consent by using Nettskjema's function for digital signing of consent. 

Read about digital signing of consent here.

Read about consents in TSD.

General requirements for consent in Nettskjema

  • Consent is only obtained for collections that collect personal information.
  • If a respondent wants to withdraw their consent, the answer must be able to be found through a personal key given in the consent.
  • There must be keys in the answer set so that answers can be found and removed from the entire data set. This is done by forwarding/redirecting to another form and by adding the question "Reference-ID" to the second form. This question will be hidden from the respondent. 

If a respondent wants to withdraw their answer, the Consent Portal supports this feature for TSD projects. 

  • The consent shall be a stand-alone form for obtaining the necessary confirmation from the respondent, informing about what the project needs of information, and how data will be processed in the project.
    • NB: The online form offers chaining from the consent given directly to the questionnaire for data collection. This can be done by forwarding with a radio button question or from within the settings to another questionnaire. In this second questionnaire, the "Reference ID" question should be used so that the consent and the survey data can be linked anonymously. 
  • The form should only ask for what is necessary to:
    • Confirm consent or not.
    • Clarify any alignment with or reuse of data in other contexts and institutions.
  • The consent is designed as a contract and must contain all the information the respondent needs about the project's handling of data and contact information for any withdrawal of consent.
  • The consent form should be open more than one answer per respondent so that the respondent can withdraw the consent.
  • When the consent form is to be reused via the consent portal in the TSD, the respondent must also be able to submit a response to the form where consent is not given. The consent must be able to be answered several times by the same person. This is set in the settings. 
  • The specific questions that confirm the consent should be formulated as mandatory yes / no questions with a radio button.
  • If consent questions must or want to be designed with checkboxes, these may not be mandatory, and an additional mandatory question should be added to confirm from the respondents that the actual filling and submission is complete and that the contract is understood.

Watch video about consent, signing, linking the form and setting up the consent system .

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Published Dec. 7, 2021 8:52 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 1:27 PM