macOS 11 supported for Intel og M1

Illustrasjonsbilde M1 prosessor og M1 laptoper fra Apple

Operating plans for new Macs with M1 (Apple's new CPU architecture) are ready. The project has prepared Munki version 5.2, where the Managed Software Center (MSC) runs with Rosetta. Hopefully it will not be long before MSC comes as a universal app (Munki v5.3 is in beta). Machines with M1 are prepared in the same way as Intel computers, and the project has not seen any problems. Machines with M1 can be used by employees at UiO.

The project has focused on simplifying and shortening the preparation process on new Macs. We have e.g. removed old printer drivers from the automated setup. If there is still a need for these drivers, please contact us and we will consider whether the drivers should be made available in the self-service portal MSC.

In MSC, the project has reviewed the software categories and reduced them. A number of installation packages have been updated in MSC, and in January the project will update Microsoft Office with universal app support. We are following the software development for M1 and it seems that much of the software is already in place and additional software will probably receive M1 support in the near future (in Norwegian):


macOS 11 has quietly been introduced at UiO, and today there are approx. 320 machines running macOS 11.0.1 or 11.1. This amounts to approx. 20% of our Mac hardware. The project has not discovered major problems and employees who want the machine upgraded to the latest version of the operating system can therefore do so.

The project manager would like to express a big thank you to Thomas Hansen, Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay and the project group for their help.

For mor information about the project, please visit (in Norwegian):

Published Feb. 3, 2021 9:07 AM - Last modified Feb. 3, 2021 9:07 AM