Installing applications from the Company Portal

On Windows devices that have been configured with Autopilot in Intune, you can find applications available for installation in the Company Portal. It has the same applications that you can find in Software Center, but also some that are exclusive to Intune-devices.

Installing applications from the Company Portal

  1. Start Company Portal by searching for it in the Start menu.
  2. Here you will find applications that are maintained by the IT-department at UiOImage may contain: Rectangle, Computer, Font, Operating system, Software.
  3. Search by clicking the looking glass on the lefthand side in the meny

    Can't find the application you're looking for? Contact IT Help for more information or to ask for administrative privileges to install an application.Image may contain: Colorfulness, Rectangle, Font, Screenshot, Software.
  4. Click on the desired application to open its information page. Click on the Install button.Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Parallel, Screenshot, Technology.
  5. When the installation has finished you can find the application in the start menu.Image may contain: Font, Communication Device, Gadget, Electronic device, Multimedia.

Is it not working?

  • This is the procedure for installing software on what we call personal computers in our operational plans. That means UiO office computers, UiO laptops etc.
  • Can't find the application you want to install? Contact IT Help to get more information or get temporary administrator rights to perform the installation.
  • Do you need software for your private computer? Find information about that here.
  • Are you unsure if your computer is managed by UiO ?
    • If you logged in with your UiO user, the computer is managed by UiO.
    • How do I know if I have an Intune device? See this article.
  • Do you have a Mac? Try using the Managed Software Center or MacProg instead.
Published Feb. 10, 2023 12:36 PM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2023 8:42 AM